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Italics will be used for the grounder language

Me and the boy high fived before two large spears roared through the air, one hitting jasper straight in the stomach and the other striking me in the chest, narrowly missing my heart.

I felt myself me carried by someone, i couldn't tell who it was as i was only awake for a few seconds every time but i could her jasper groaning.

I slowly woke up and looked around, i was laid on the ground and could still hear jasper groaning but the sound soon faded when i passed back out.... 

The next time i opened my eyes i was being carried again and i couldn't hear jasper anymore, my eyes felt heavy causing me to fall unconscious once again.

I opened my eyes just as whoever was carrying me threw me on the ground harshly, I groaned loudly and laid my hand on my chest. For some reason i couldn't remember why my chest hurt and it seemed like a lot of things were missing from my mind.

The door closed loudly leaving me alone in the small dirty room, I curled up a bit still confused about everything, i remember my name and my dad as well as Kane but that was about it i couldn't remember anyone or anything else.

I eventually fell asleep curled up but when i awoke there was a man that was tending to my chest, i decided not to move so he could finish and once he did he stood up and walked to the door. He knocked twice loudly and the door opened, he nodded to someone outside of the door so when he left a woman walked in followed by two men. She had dark hair and high cheek bones with face paint, the men behind her were big and buff but as i slowly rose to my feet i was still taller than them and quite built myself.

"Who are you?" I questioned the woman as i leaned back against the wall with my hand on my bare chest, she looked me up and down but didn't respond. "Where am i? The last thing i remember is when i got arrested." 

This made the woman raise an eyebrow, "I am Anya, who are you?" She questioned with a small accent, "I'm matteo, i uh don't really remember what i am doing here or how i even got here." She furrowed her brows angrily thinking that i was just lying to get out of telling them stuff, She nodded to the men behind her who approached me and knocked me out without hesitation.

When i came to, both my wrists were shackled above me from chains that hung from the roof. I was hung just enough so that my feet could barely lay flat. I looked around to see anya leaning against the wall staring at me, my chest was still bare of my tank top that  noticed was thrown on the floor. There was a small table next to the woman that had a bunch of stuff on it that i couldn't quite make out, "what are you doing, i said i don't remember anything." She rolled her eyes and grabbed a large knife off the table, she slowly approached me and drug the knife down my arm causing blood to drip down. 

"I don't believe you."  She said in a different language while i groaned loudly, "What do your people want?" She asked while i just shook my head, "I don't know anything, my mind is all fuzzy." 

She only nodded and made a cut along my torso, she eventually dug her finger in the wound on my chest which made me scream loudly, she grinned and put the tip of the knife against the wound, "If you don't tell me something you are going to hurt, bad." I nodded and tried thinking, when something came to me, "My people are from the sky, we lived on something called the ark. They only sent down 100 kids we were all criminals and they sent us down here to see if it was habitable or not."

My eyes were screwed closed the entire time as i just tried to remember anything i could, she nodded softly and took a small step back which caused me to open my eyes, but just as i did the stepped back forward and pushed the knife into the wound, it wasn't too far basically just the tip of it but blood trickled down my chest and i screamed out, she didn't even give me a second to recover before retrieving an arrow that she plunged through the palm of my hand.

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