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Clarke helped me sit down, she instructed me to put my hands on my own wounds while she ran to help raven but i couldn't understand her. My eyes were on raven as clarke began heating up a knife, i assumed it was to close her wounds which clarke would end up doing to me as well, i only looked away when ravens shirt was lifted a bit and clarke pressed the hot knife to her skin.

Soon enough finn walked over to me and helped me up before he settled me back down next to raven, there was still a good distance between us but we were still really close.

"Your turn Matty," Clarke voice broke me out of my thoughts as i looked up at her and nodded, finn helped me pull my jacket off followed by my shirt, i heard ravens breath hitch slightly but decided to ignore it as i leaned forward allowing clarke to close both exit wounds. 

"Im surprised you haven't bled out already," i heard clarke mumble which made me laugh, "I thought i was gonna die i actually told bellamy to tell you and someone else something just in case." She nodded and before i could continue she pressed to knife to the entrance wound on my shoulder causing me to groan loudly, "Fuck!"

I heard raven laugh a bit which made me smile, "Is this funny to you?" I asked her as i looked over at her, she softly shook her head, I scanned her face a bit and smiled before the knife was pressed to my chest once again.

I listened to clarke, finn, and bellamy talk a bit as i looked over at raven, "I told bellamy to tell you something too, just in case i died." I whispered to her, "Look raven about what happened between us." 

She was quick to cut me off, "I was just trying to move on from finn it doesn't have to be anything more than that."

My face instantly dropped as i slowly nodded, before anything else could be said clarke helped me to my feet and finn helped raven on the stretcher, I walked with clarke, she had her arm around my waist while mine was over her shoulder.

We began the journey out of camp and to the ocean, "Clarke, i think you should just leave me somewhere. I won't be able to help any of you and i think im just a burden to everyone," Clarke furrowed her brows and looked over to me.

"We aren't leaving you anywhere, you have helped us so much and even if you were a burden you are a burden i like having around." I softly shook my head, "No one else does, you basically chose finn over me, raven doesn't wanna talk to me anymore, bellamy only cares about himself, finn just wants in your pants, and everyone barely knows who i am."

"So make them know who you are, we aren't leaving you. End of discussion." I could tell she was thinking about what i said about her choosing finn over me but obviously decided to ignore it.

I sighed and nodded before all hell broke loose.

We ended up running back to camp where we got ready for war, bellamy handed me a pistol and my rifle which i opted to set next to raven asking her to watch it for me but she didn't even look at me just nodded.

I stood near the door of the ship with my pistol in hand, the group was in the ship trying to make a plan. My chest and shoulder hurt bad but i just ignored it as i looked around camp.

Eventually bellamy left to go do his own thing and awhile after finn ran out of camp, i just ignored it and continued looking around, my mind was dancing all over the place as i thought of raven and clarke. I really liked raven, and i thought we had something special when we had sex but i guess it was just a distraction to her. 

Clarke on the other hand just chose finn, at least that's how i saw it when she never tried to talk to me again about when i had told her i liked her and raven.

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