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The group began the journey back to the ship, bellamy tried to get me to go back with Sinclair but i refused as i needed to see clarke and raven.

Abby had quickly wrapped up my burns as a temporary fix but i knew she would need to look at it more once we got back to the ark. Kane was walking at the front of the group with bellamy and finn and had yet to say anything to me even though he was basically my only family left.

It didn't take us too long to reach the ship and when we did i looked around in shock, burned bodies littered the ground, everything was charred. As bellamy went to step forward kane stopped him, "We will take it from here, you two stay with them. We will signal once it is safe," I just sighed and settled down onto the ground.

My vision was still blurry and i felt myself slipping away, i tried to stay awake for as long as i could so i could see raven...See clarke but that soon proved difficult.

My eyes slowly closed, bellamy tried shaking me awake but to no avail. 

Lil Skip

I felt a hand in my own and voices around in, the voice closest to me sounded so familiar but i couldn't quite pinpoint who it was. Whoever was holding my hand seemed to be the only thing keeping me grounded right now and stopping me from slipping all they way back under.

Slowly my eyes fluttered open, my vision was blurry but soon i could see a familiar head and red jacket, "Raven?" i asked quietly, my voice was dry and raspy leading to the other person in the room to get me some water. 

Raven smiled at me and helped me sit up as the other person who i could now see was abby handed me a cup. I was quick to drink all of it which made raven laugh softly, "How are you feeling?" She asked while i just nodded, "How are you? Did you get the bullet out." 

Her face dropped but she nodded and pointed to her leg which had a brace on it, slowly i nodded understanding what she was saying. 

Me and raven sat in the tent together until we finally decided to go outside, i slowly stood up and adjusted the sling my burnt arm was in so that it was more comfortable. 

When we stepped foot outside we heard people yelling that clarke was back, we of course tried to see her but instead had to sit outside the tent she was in all night long.

The next morning me and raven were still waiting for clarke so with a sigh i stood up, "raven i have something i need to talk to you about." She looked up and me and nodded, "So i know you wont think of me like this but i need to get it off my chest right now, i like you raven. A lot. I have basically since i met you but at the time you were with finn and i was trying to get my memory back but then i also started liking clarke and she said she liked me but then she also picked finn over me but the whole point of that is, i like you. I just want you to know and im praying you like me too and i can ask you to be my girlfriend but if not i completely understand and will leave you alone." 

Before i could continue my ramble raven stood up, she grabbed the collar of my shirt and pulled me down where she connected our lips in a sweet kiss. At that exact moment clarke walked out of the tent causing me and raven to pull apart, Raven immediately stepped towards clarke and pulled her into a hug with a huge grin on her face, i looked at clarke and we made eye contact over ravens shoulder. I smiled at her softly and offered a nod, once her and raven pulled away and talked a little about ravens leg clarke turned to me and hugged me tightly. 

I let out a small groan because of my arm but hugged her back, she pulled away and looked at my arm. "When the ship launched i wasn't far enough away so it caught me a bit, i think it'll make me look sexy so,"  i joked with a small shrug, softly she pulled me back into a hug and i whispered to her, "I missed you angel." I heard a small sniffle from her as she responded, "I missed you too matty."

We separated when the guards opened the main gate, i could see bellamy and another girl. Clarke looked at raven who gave he a nod causing her to run off to the gate where she hugged bellamy, i walked over with raven and gave bellamy a firm nod before my eyes caught octavia's, A grin formed on my lips as i stepped forward.

She grinned back at me and hugged me, "Hey tavia." She pulled away and looked up at me, "Hey matty." She turned to clarke but i quickly whispered, "I have something to tell you whenever you are free." She nodded before hugging clarke, somehow the girl with bellamy got handed off to me to help to medical, i of course didn't complain and helped her before finding my way back to raven. 

She filled me in on their plan to which i nodded softly, i walked with her to the fence and looked at the small group. I hugged bellamy and octavia with a quick 'be safe' before stepping infront of clarke.  I pulled her into a hug and whispered, "Come back to me angel, we still need to talk." She nodded as i stepped back next to raven.

I watched as they all left camp before helping raven to her new tent, "Do you wanna stay? We need to talk about us." She said to which i instantly nodded, "Look raven like i said i like you a lot and i would love for you to be my girlfriend but at the moment i need closure from clarke." She nodded and grinned, "So is that your way of asking me to be your girlfriend or are you gonna do it properly?"

I smiled softly, "Will you, raven reyes, be my girlfriend?" She nodded and jumped into my arms for a hug. I hugged her back and grinned before kissing her deeply, that kiss soon escalated to a night of fun.

Smut skip

Me and raven were laid naked in her bed, she was cuddled up to me with me trying not to fall asleep but it wasn't working.

Just as my eyes were about to close i heard ravens voice, "Y'know i wouldn't mind sharing you with clarke if you really like her...."

Hey guys im gonna try and wrap this story up soon since i have kinda fallen out of it and don't really know where to take it so the next few chapters might not be close with the actual show. Anyways don't forget to vote!

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