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By time i woke up raven was already gone but there was a small letter waiting for me.

Dear Matty, 

i hope you heard what i said last night, incase you didn't i will revise your memory. If you and clarke work things out and you decide you want to date her i would be okay with sharing you, as long as you still like me just as much as her.

Anyways, i had to get started with my work. Clarke and them are back so go see her.

Love, Raven

I sighed and got dressed, i slowly walked out of the tent just in time to run into clarke who seemed to be about to enter the tent i was just in, "Oh hey matty." I smiled softly, "Hey clarke what's up? Did you need me?

She nodded, "yeah i actually needed to talk to you." I nodded and turned back around into the tent, she followed and sat on the edge of the bed.

"Matty i need you to know that i didn't choose finn, my heart chose you but too much started happening for me to tell you. Im in love with you matty, i have been for a long time and i know you and raven are together now but.... i don't know." She stopped her sentence, obviously second guessing herself.

"Im in love with you too clarke, in fact im in love with you AND raven. This morning raven wrote me a small letter and i want you to read it," Clarke furrowed her brows but nodded and quickly scanned over the letter i handed her. As she read her brows slowly relaxed and a smile formed on her lips, she looked up at me and i nodded softly.

"Will you be my girlfriend clarke, along with raven?" She quickly nodded and connected our lips just as raven walked in, once we pulled away clarke looked at raven with a smile before she got up and met raven in the middle.

I wasn't sure what was about to happen before the girls leaned in and connected their own lips, i felt my mouth go dry as i watched them, their small kiss turned into more and soon enough all three of us were naked on the bed, having the best time of our lives.

Skip smut

All three of us were laid in the bed, both of their head on my shoulder and their finger interlocked on my abdomen. I had a grin on my lips as i stared up at the top of the tent, i finally had both the girls of my dreams. 

Hey guys, this is a really short chapter but i need to finish off this book and this was the only way i could think of, so let me know what yall think and don't forget to vote!

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