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It didn't take us too long to make it back to camp, i thought we were returning to get better weapons so we could go find clarke, finn, and monty but that was soon proven to be wrong when bellamy told raven no one was gonna leave camp.

I was sat in my own world listening to the two talk before a gunshot caught everyone's attention, "What is wrong with you!" Bellamy yelled as he ran to the boy that shot and pinned him against the tree by his collar, "I fell asleep, I've been on watch all day." 

"We've all been on watch all day," the man had a scary look on his face that even made me a bit uneasy. "Bell stop, you are scaring them." He turned to look at octavia, "They should be scared, that bomb on the bridge only bought us some time to prepare, but that time is up. The grounders are out there right now waiting for us to leave so they can pick us off one by one. Clarke, finn and monty are gone, probably dead and if you want to go next i can't stop you, but no guns are leaving with you, this camp is the only thing keeping us alive!" 

I scoffed and walked off to the dropship, i slowly climbed the latter and just looked around at everything that raven had set up there for whatever reason, soon enough i heard someone else come up and turned around to see jasper come into view. I offered him a smile that he returned because walking next to me and grabbing the small bucket that had gun powder in it.

He walked back down the latter with me staying up for longer before following, with my rifle strung across my back so it wasn't in my way.  As i was half way down i noticed the conversation between jasper and Murphy, i quietly made my way down and noticed that murphy was pointing a gun at jasper, thankfully murphy's back was to me so i did a small shush motion to jasper. 

I slowly crept up behind murphy but the floor creaked under me causing the boy to quickly turned, the gun was originally pointed to my chest but i pushed it up just as he pulled the trigger. I felt a sharp pain in my chest but i ignored it as i tried to wrestle the gun away from him. He hit me in the face with the butt of his gun, knocking me down before shooting another shot into my shoulder.

I gasped in pain as i pushed my hands against the wounds, trying and failing to slow the bleeding. I heard Bellamy's voice come through jaspers walkie but couldn't quite make out what was being said, jasper had wrapped my wounds to stop the bleeding as well as he could  and even used some of the seaweed clarke had gathered, there was only enough for the wound on my chest so he did that one. 

Murphy as quickly tied us both up after that and began talking back with the man in charge outside.

"I don't know if you've noticed but you aren't quite in control," I looked around a bit trying to find a wat out of this but couldn't find anything, "Cmon murphy, you don't wanna hurt jasper, you want me."

Jasper turned and looked back at the both of us, with a small smirk on his lips, "How a trade? Me for him. Look all you have to do is let him go and ill take his place." I could tell murphy was thinking about it but i could also tell he didn't plan to let me go in this situation, no one but the people in the ship knew i was in there.

"How?" He questioned while staring at jasper, "Open the door, i come in, he comes out."

I tried to keep my eyes open but i slowly felt my eyes close, when i came to bellamy was standing on a chair, getting ready to put a noose around his neck. "Bell?" I questioned in a hoars voice, both their heads turned to me. "Mat, hey everything is going to be okay," I nodded and smiled, "Hey if i don't make it out of here can you tell raven that im sorry, tell her im sorry for whatever i did to make her mad at me right now and if you find clarke tell her that i love her and that im sorry i had to leave her so soon."

Bellamy shook his head, "You are gonna make it matty don't say anything like that." As he said that i turned my head and spit up a bit of blood, "We both know i won't, with the ark dead and clarke gone no one will know how to treat my wounds." 

The boy slowly nodded, as he looped the noose around his neck i fell back unconscious.

By time i came to octavia was putting pressure on my wounds tightly and yelling for people to get her more rags, once i was stable enough she ran out of the ship to see what all the commotion was, i slowly and painfully pushed myself up to lean against the wall and looked at the thin simple bracelet i forgot was on my wrist. 

It was the first gift i ever received from clarke griffin, it was simple yet meaningful. I felt tears come to my eyes as i looked at the bracelet, slowly but surely i pushed myself up from the wall and limped to the door. I leaned against the wall for a second before making my way out, i saw a huge crowd and slowly limped towards it to see what was happening. When i got closer i could see a familiar head of blonde hair, my speed increased as i pushed all the way to the front. "Clarke?"

The blonde turned and looked at me, tears welling in her eyes as we embraced in a short hug that had to be ended when i winced in pain. We pulled away and she scanned me over, finally noticing the huge blood spots on my shirt.

She began helping me walk back to the ship when a voice called out, "Help me!" We both turned to see who it is but my heart sank when i saw raven with a large blood spot on her stomach, finn picked her up and carried her to the ship with me and clarke following close behind.

Hey guys, let me know how this is and don't forget to vote!

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