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Smut warning

The next morning i was sat next to raven watching her spit the bullets, this had gone on for awhile, her working and me just watching until she turned to me. "Me and finn broke up, when i was still sick i broke it off with him," That made me sit up, "Really! I mean why did you do that?" I asked while trying to play off my reaction, she smiled a bit but covered it. "He doesn't love me like how i want to be loved, or how he loves clarke." I nodded softly, "He hesitated when you were on the bridge yesterday i noticed it but didn't have the chance to say anything as i went to save you."

She nodded and sighed, "He never hesitated when it came to clarke." I nodded softly and laid my hand on hers, when the tent flap opened revealing finn i pulled my hand away before he could see. "I'll give yall some privacy, come find me when are finally gonna let me help with something." She nodded as i walked out.

"Matteo," i heard bellamy call for me i walked over a bit confused, "what's up do you need me to do something?" He shook his head with a smile, "No this is yours, all yours you don't have to share with anyone." He said while pointing at a tent behind him, i grinned and walked inside with him following. There was already a makeshift bed there along with a blanket and surprisingly enough my pocket knife was laid on the blanket. I thought i had lost it forever but i guess it must have been  in my jacket that clarke had.

I turned around and grasped bellamy in a hug, "Thanks bellamy i really appreciate this." He just nodded and pat my back before both of us pulled apart due to the shouting from outside, "Fire!"

I quickly ran out of the tent with bellamy close behind, i was the first one there other than the kids around and immediately recognized it as the smoke house where octavia was working. When i couldn't see her anywhere i bolted into the building even though clarke tried to grasp my arm, i grabbed the first person i could and led them to the exit before going back and getting the next and last person as Del had gotten out already.

Murphy had been the first one i helped out and octavia the second, my lungs hurt from the smoke and my arm had a small burn on it from the fire but i didn't care. I helped octavia sit down and nodded at murphy before the boy jumped up and punched del, "This is all your fault we told you it was too much wood." Bellamy was quick to separate them but as murphy walked away i stood up and quickly made my way to del, before bellamy could stop me i punched him square in the nose, knocking him out.

As he fell to the floor everyone fell quiet and looked at me, i rubbed my knuckles and looked around. "Don't just stand there, someone take him to his tent, he fell asleep at work." Two boys stepped forward and dragged him to his tent, i looked over at bellamy and clarke who were staring at me i just smiled at them innocently. 

"So what's the plan about food boss man?" I asked bellamy as i looked at the completely charred building, "we have nuts and berries but only enough to last a week maybe two." Clarke muttered before she turned to walk away, "We need to go hunting everyone that can." I nodded but bellamy thought that was a bad idea, "With the whole grounder army? I don't think so." 

"We wont last long against them if we are starving either," Bellamy just sighed and nodded before the two made their way to the ship to hand out weapons and such, i went with a small group of guys and brought back a boar.

I sighed and walked into my tent, i pulled my jacket off slowly and began pulling my shirt off when i felt a pair of hands helping me. Once it was fully off i turned to see raven standing there, "Hey ray whats up?" I question softly she shrugged, "Im ready to move on." 

I tilted my head confused but it all clicked when she shrugged her jacket off and threw it towards mine before taking her pants off as well. "Raven are you sure about this?"

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