A storm raged the thunder echoing within the atmosphere. The rain pelted your grandmother's Buick making it difficulty to see, but nether the less, you continued to drive down the endless country roads. The trip from your college seem endless and tideous, but you had promised to visit your grandparents this weekend knowing quiet the house is without you there.

The drive seemed to finally end as the old barn could be seen through the illumination of the lightning. You find yourself relaxing then for the trip was finally over, and you were to now going to be with the loving people who raised you. Even during the worst of times, you just seeing your grandparents' face always put you at ease, and with upcoming finals, you direly needed a relief.

As you turn in, your head lights shine across the mud and the gravel of the driveway... landing directly on your grandmother in the rain. With her back turned towards you, you see her wave her arms frantically as she appears to be talking to someone. Was it your grandfather? What are they doing out in this type of weather? Noticing the darkness no longer surrounded her, she steps to the side revealing the unrecognizable company. She had ( mother's color hair) hair that ( short, medium, long) in length. Her eyes brows knit together in confusion before cocking on up for you were now exiting the vehicle.

" Mamaw, whose this? Why are you out in this kind of weather?"

" Mamaw?"

The woman chokes on that word as of it were poison before showing her anger again.

" Mamaw! Was I that easy to replace?"

What?... The woman appeared to be in her late late thirties to early fourties meaning she's too old to be a granddaughter, so does that mean...?

" If you knew the truth, you would be upset with yourself! Not me!"

Your grandmother was shaking due to her fury and the cold nature of the rain. You look up at the front porch realizing your grandfather is just sitting in his rocking chair excluding himself completely. Why isn't he getting involved? If there was a moment when he should comes to his wife's defense, surely it would be now!

" What are you talking about?!"

" You left her behind!"

Oh shit...

" Mamaw, what.. what are you saying?"

Your grandmother's hands were balled into fists as it seem it take all her strength to say those blurry next words.

" She's your mother Y/n."

" I am not!"

Your grandmother snapped then lunging at her daughter, but thankfully, you were there to get in between the two.

" You ran away taking three when you know damn well you gave birth to four!"

You looked at the woman now who was supposedly your mother, and she slowly just shakes her head with such malice before turning back to her mother.

" I buried the citrine! The baby.. The baby was dead!"

You blinked not quite understanding her, but the pain still resonated deep within you st her reaction.

" Girl, that was no citrine!"

You now hear your papaw entering the scene walking with a limp. All you wanted is for this woman to go away and to take care of your grandparents, but you could tell this interaction wasn't quite done.

" It was a yellow diamond you fool! We had it appraised after she was born from it! She saved our lives and this farm!"

It then suddenly dawned on you, though it was insane to process this, that mamaw and papaw did bare a ring with a yellow diamond stone. You've always had admired it even as a child, but your mind quickly drifts back to reality.

" Mamaw. Papaw. I wasn't born from a stone," you need turn to your supposed mother narrowing your eyes out of anger," and you need to leave."

As if to add effect, lightning and thunder strikes the skies, and she scoffs not liking the disrespect.

" Well I never! Fine! I came for what I needed anyways!"

She turns with something in her clutches, and you freeze to find her.. disappear into a tree. Are.. Are imsginging this? You went to its backside to prove she hadn't went around it, and you looked up to your grandparents for an explanation. They exchange glances before papaw waves at you to follow them. Doing so, you find yourself being led into the kitchen; the walls an old, olive green and furniture antique. Papaw puts on a pot of coffee for you three, and you take a seat by your drenched grandmother after covering her with a blanket in you found in the living room. She thanks you grabbing a hold of both of your hands gazing deep within your (e/c) orbs.

" Y/n, you were born from a diamond. We adopted your mother after we found her at the base of the tree she vanished into. I know it sounds crazy-."

" Mamaw, I feel like I'm hallucinating. This isn't physically possible."

" You mother's stone fell on the wrong side of her dimension. I know that tree looks like a plain Jane, but you should see what it looks on the other side. Your mother had drawn pictures of it as child."

You shake your head still not quite believing.

" Your mother called it the Tree of Life or Maeve's Tree."

" How would she know this especially as a child?"

Your papaw sighs finally handing you your cup of Joe as he reminisce the past.

" We caught the girl her third time visiting, and it then all seem to fall into place like a puzzle piece. She described only the your imagination could comprehend, and we banned her from ever going back. That, as you see, didn't stop her."

" Why was she here anyways?"

Your grandmother takes a sip of the stout liquid before speaking.

" Have no idea. Well, I don't know why she needed it, but she stripped a piece of bark from the tree. Nearly got away from it if it wasn't the fact I felt her presence."

" You.. You can?"

You were not a surprise that she has a bit of a sixth sense, and the elderly woman lets out a little chuckle.

" Yep. I can feel you also. You honestly thought you got away sneaking out to that girlfriend of yours in highschool?"

" You know I like girl?!"

Your cheeks were flushed forcing your grandfather to pipe up this time.

" Y/n, you're straight as curly fry."

" Hey, I like boys too papaw!"

You crossed your arms getting off topic, but your grandmother quickly brings it back.

" I don't want you to make the same mistake as your mother, you hear? Stay away from the tree."

You nod understanding the consequences.

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