You wake up to the feeling of an arm snaked around your waist; you letting a few tears slide down your cheeks at the missing of your children. They would of been seven months today;  you swearing you feel their upset nature here and there from your absence. You pulled on your chains then not sure how you're able to tolerate anothe day without them or another fucking party for that matter. Your body feels drained aching deeply at the slightest move. You suddenly feel a set of lips on the back of your neck causing you to sigh from disappointment; he often gets frisky while asleep though not daring to do anything when awoken. His lips.. were soft and warm causing you to shiver softly. He pulls you into a tighter grip waking up to himslef biting rough and earning himself a moan. You bite your tongue as you can't believe you just did that for the enemy, and he rakes his his hands across your stomach and continues for he feels like he gained permission. He quickly stops though swearing he felt a life source deep in your womb. He sits up turning you on your back as you glare at him. He leans in close to your ear trying to hold back in his anger in his whispering.

" You're pregnant.... Did you know this?"

" Fuck you-."

" They're.. They're mine?"

He sits back up as he's highly confused. He then remembers the first time you met and what he did to you. No stones were involved, but there was an energy transfer. He summons the little one eyes widening at how a magical branch follows it. If they are just his,... then that means once they take someone on, the open channeling of magic is conserved and cut off from others. Could Nico seriously able to touch them this whole time?

" What are you?"

" A Gemstone-."

" I call bullshit. Then what is this-?"

He watches as the child drifts up above your head, and the tree of life begins to form though you quickly push it away.

" Stop being so secretive. Also, you could of hurt the baby... Wait a minute, there's more than one.... oh no."

" For Gods sake, it's not what you think."

He summons all nine you mumbling a few cuss words at the idea of passing so many stones. He scoffed at you wishing for a better reaction, but he did have his concern. That's when his eyes land on his alarm clock, and he's face palms for he was late to a meeting. He tucks the children back in your tummy and is quick to get dressed. You just roll back on your side having no desire to go anywhere, but he's already locking his cuffs. You were about to pump him full of diamonds when he says those convincing words once again.

" You want to be with me."

You're now smiling ear to ear as you stand clinging to him tightly, and hesitantly, very hesitantly, he kisses you. He moans at how you comply deeply and sweetly. He eventually pushes him to pull away knowing this was wrong, but you were so in a trance that you pushed him on the bed climbing on top of the older man. He tries to say no, but you interrupted him by kissing his neck frantically. You begin to unbutton his black long sleeve, swaying your hips against his bulge.

He grabs you roughly by the worst his eyes flaring a dark pink as he firmly said 'no'. He softens at the golden orbs staring back at him. Quickly fading back to their original state, you slowly pull away clearly upset. As you begin to sniffle, he sits up you sitting perfectly in his lap. He places his forehead against your own making a few 'shh' sounds not wanting to see you cry.

" I want you to make love to me on your own terms, you understand? I want my wife to love me..."

" I want my kids... I want to go back to Camp Half Blood... I want Nico..."

His magic is waning through your depression.

" Camp Half Bloof... Thats where you were? Why didn't you tell me you have children? Whose your Godly parent?"

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