You and Valentine were laying down; his head on your chest as you play with his hair. It was silky running through your fingers like water. Your hand falls to his back studying the sigils tattooed upon his back: five to be exact. You traced your finger over them, and you decide to question their meaning.

" Nothing important my dear."

He takes the same hand and wraps it around under his arm.

Deciding to do an ice break, you ask a question that's been on your mind lately.

" What are we going to do with my womb?"

" What do you mean?"

He looks up at you a bit confused.

" We have to eventually remove it."

" Why would you say such a thing?!"

He lowers himself kissing your stomach many times before giving you puppy dog eyes.

" Because we have twenty-six children?"

" You do realize you're the second of your kind in two thousand to be able to actually live on Earth. Your type of Fae can only last days on this planet before starting to die. Can we please keep it for a few more litters?"

" You saw that, but what about your Gemstone children. Shouldn't you give them away to a family that can actually raised them."

He shakes his head pouting as he kisses your belly again. You press down on it as he was making you paranoid, but he quickly brushed it away asking why you did that.

" I wanted to see if any were developing."

" Then why didn't you just check to see if they have a soul sweatheart? You can hurt them that way."

He places a hand over your womb using his healing magic in case one was hurt. He then checked a bit sorrowful as there were no signs of any more Stonelings; you instead were thanking the Gods. You give him a little head pat, and he just groans loving fatherhood.

" Can I see your Gemstones,.. or do you think they might shatter because of me. I don't want to truly upset you-."

You stop feeling something in the air, and Valentine was close behind you. You couldn't quite explain it, but why did it feel familiar. You can best describe it the few days you enjoyed nature as a kid having never been able to explain that type of peace before. Valentine tells you to stay with the children for their safety was more important right now than his; you still tell him to be careful as he's quick to downstairs. You waited for any kind of signal for help as the seconds tick by,  and for some time, you wondered if someone had killed him. Instead, he enters the room with a wide grin as something laid in the palm of his hands.

" Can we keep her?!"

There laid a snake conpletely made out of dirt that only reached about a foot long. It was pulsating with energy even with its small stature,  and you find yourself lose your anxious side to the point you pet it without much care.

" Can we please?! I'll take care of it!"

" You do realize this is your house, right?"

" Uh! Our house you mean. You opinion matters too!"

He huffs as the snake craws unto your hand and up your arm. You rub its little head as it wraps around your neck. You were concerned about it being around the babies, but it appeared harmless.

" She can be a guard dog! Just imagine it."

" I'm trying, but I can't. What can she possibly do to an intruder?"


It's been a month sense you two have found Arya, and you've basically have brought her everywhere enjoying her at your side. As of now, you were doing a battle with a drunkard whose, in your eyes, making all the wrong choices. You've already have won two of his Gemstones and shattered three others not proud of it whatsoever; you do it for the publicity for Valentine. It didn't seem to bother him for he was just so eager to get one of yours making it all worth it, but of course, you win the last round making him furious.

" You're a cheat!"

" I am not."

He hits the table with his fist and stands to meet you with that murderous glint in his eyes. He grabs the Gemstone you played for the last match and purposely splashing your wine on your dress to slow you down. As a reaction, Arya jumps from your shoulders and lands on the ground soaking up the soil from the garden; her form enlarges and her fangs hook on the back of his suit. The crowd gasp and some even run away as she just faced you as if waiting for instruction.

" Arya, put him down! Valentine! Someone please get my fiancé!"

She leans back frightened by your yelling and eventually drops the poor bastard. You watched as he tried to get away again, but some following gentlemen who saw everything stopped him out of respect for Valentine. When he finally made it to the seen, his tongue forked as he communicated with Arya. Listening to her master, she sheds all the dirt like a layer of skin; it carelessly falling all around her. 

" I believe you have something of Miss Y/n's-?"

" She has plently. What difference will one make?"

Arya hisses at the man before biting his shoe, and he responds by stomping on her head. Defending Arya, you marched right up to him and gave him a slap; he didn't wait in ging you one right back. Valentine was out raged beyond belief now landing one punch after another. You could see his pink eyes now indicating his ability, and he yells in the broken man's face.

" You will never return here, do you understand me-?!"

There was a deep growl underneath the ground then, and you looked at Valentine whose eyes are wide in utter disbelief.

" That fucking is going for miles."

He says rather calmly knowing a mandatory meeting will be coming from this. Arya is fully formed again slithering up your leg wanting up.

" Where did you find that snake..?"

A man asked Valentine, and he doesn't answer for a second.

" Our backyard."

" You didn't bother to figure where it came from?!"

" We did... There's.. There's a giant snake in the ground. Y/n, your other parent is a snake"

" What? No, I don't think-."

" Trust me. We know. It's a long story."

You stepped upon the grass; your form in an abyss of their magic.

" It sent Arya to watch over her."

Valentine was connecting the dots, and you looked up into the sky to see what looked like falling stars.

" And there's the Gods..."

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