You placed the thousands of dollars away in metallic, vintage lunch box; you having memories of carrying it to school as a child. You were staying within the same hotel room; it seeming smaller as days go by. You clasped around a mystery novel you currently purchased along with the bundle of baby clothes that you threw into the closet for the time being.

Speaking of them, they were just a little over three months now. You've really grown into motherhood and even felt a bit more maturer like you weren't some little girl but a woman. As you nestle down into the the spheres that were just bigger than a lime. You get to reading as you had nothing better to do, and time passes into the late of the night before you put it down. You felt oddly tiredsome; in a way that forced you to go in and out of a loopy state. Maybe your anxiety is finally putting a strain on your body though you were quickly jolted by shocks given by your children. What had gotten into them? You tried to give as much attention as possible though you can't help but to suddenly black out.

When you open your eyes again, you felt a sheering heat at your back.

" She's here."

You weakly follow the voice as you looked up to find Nico crouching before you. You prop yourself on your elbows now taking in the energy that surrounds you though it was calming. This draws you to look at the ground to see.. some sort of sigil underneath you. A girl takes a few steps beside Nico as what looked like magic engulfed her hands. Her hair was in dredlocks as she had a pleasant, bright hazel like eyes. She stood a bit shorter than Nico, and how she peered at you, you wondered if she could see you.

" How are you feeling?"

Unaware, your Astral like form in swallowed while in her abilities making you apparent to everyone to see. You looked around not liking to be gawked at, but you finally speak not wanting to make the moment awkward.

" I.. I think I'm fine. Just.. a bit fatigued."

As you spoke, it erupted through the fire echoing into the night. People gasps and back away fearfully, and you don't understand why this was scare them so considering what the girl is doing before you. It suddenly shoots up in a hidden fury, and you scream as pain seeded through your body. The connection to the fire causes you to cough up blood as it also drips down from your ears. You feel your heart falter as if threatening to stop as your stomach twists and turns. You swear your brain about to rupture nor longer able to hear Nico from the constant ringing. You couldn't breathe as you swear your lungs are beginning to collapse. You begged it to stop for it was no where near bearable, and you begin to go in and out again as the campers are now at the fire seemingly telling their.. their parents to stop.

" They're Gods.. I can tell they're gods! I can't take their energy! It's.. It's.. too many at once!"

" The girl is about to die!"

A voice boomed as you curled up into a ball crying from it all. It dies down at whoever spoke, but it was like they couldn't hold theirselves back. You thought you were about to die, but a warm feeling starts to enter your body easing the symptoms. You suddenly see horse legs; you are barely able to look up to see the upper half was a man nearly making you laugh. You would think you were hallucinating if it wasn't from what all you've been through.

" My dear girl, what are you?"

You.. felt comfortable around him. You speak in between sobs as Nico shuffles in front of you.

" Maeve's.. Maeve's Tree of Life..."

" You are a Fae?"

Thank Gods he knew what you were talking about.

" Yes... Yes sir. A yellow diamond to be exact."

You then realized what you formed beneath you crystallizing two yards wide worth of glass. You apologize, but he just shushed you telling you to maintain your strength.

" She needs to come to Rhode Island."

Nico says, and you shake your head for you don't feel safe here. You don't trust the Gods. You wish you could say this is just a dream, but no slumber has ever made you feel like this. This place.. is real.

" No.. No Gods."

" You'll be safe here. I'll make sure of it."

Another boy speaks up recognizing his dark hair and blue eyes; you can't help but to find him charming.

" The Gods... tried to take my mother. No... Don't want to be married off."

You feel yourself drifting, and your form wavered among the crowd; you now realizing the controversy that surrounded you. You become shy then wanting to vanish by the whole scene.

" I'm losing her."

" Keep her steady-."

" Let me go. I've embarrassed myself enough."

" Don't see it as that. I've tried to talk to your father about you, but he's clear he has no idea of who you are."

Electricity courses around you suddenly, and you knew deep down it was your children calling out to you.

" That's Jupiter's power, but.. it's not her own."

You looked above you as twelve orbs of light float above you; the diamondness spreading under you in different colors. Chiron seemed to understood conpletely.

" These are your children, isn't it?"

" Yes! Mine! Not his!"

You were more aggressive than you wanted to be; you could feel them wavery as their forms seemed completely attached to you. They all were fixated in a certain position, and you looked in confusion as.. as these branches appeared out of nothing. The babies dangled from what you could see as leaves, and as the tree forms, the trunk ends with you. Everyone was amazed by this, and for the first time, they could all truly see you. Your clothes contorted though into a golden gown, and while you stand, you feel something weighing you down you do a little twirl to find a set of wings. Every suppose feather was a shard of diamond, and you flapped them finding it truly mesmerizing. You looked all around you.. feeling like a queen at how they awked at you. The fire even seemed to react you no longer feeling any pain whatsoever. Suddenly, multiple signs appeared above your head confusing everyone.

" How... How is this possible?"

" She's one of us! We need to bring her here!"

" We'll protect you!"

" You deserve to be here!"

You then felt it. You turn your head to the fire to see the ground glowing beneath it. Campers came closer to inspect it. That's when something digged it's way from out the ground and floated in mid air.
It made its way to you, but you couldn't bring yourself to touch it. That's you saw lightning strike across the sky, and your children responded lightning erupting from the tree.

" Jupiter... He's here."

" No.... No. No. No!"

The girl controlling the magic of the scene makes a quick judgement, and she sends you and your children back; the diamond hitting the crystallized ground with a clinking sound.

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