You were attending class filled with worried about the children kept away in your room. You knew it was an irrational fear, but your motherly instrument won't stop bothering you. Your nightmares weren't making it any better either usually contained with monsters of all kinds coming after your children. You blame it on reading too much folklore the stories invading your personal space by this point.

As the bell dismissed you, you felt.. an overwhelming feeling in the pit of your stomach. It growed as you exit the classroom as the energy settled deep within your core. It was subtle at first, but it continued to grow choking you as you walked the hallway. When you round the corner, your legs come to an abrupt halt. There... There lied the woman it was coming from. You were sure of it. She was talking with a boy who was annoyed at the fact that she was here to begin with. It was evident in the way he held himself and speaked, and you had to figure out what she was there. Holding your books tightly, you faked tripping your own two feet and fall to the floor.

" Mother, I still don't understand why you're here..."

" Can I not visit my-."

She cuts herself off her eyes narrowing down at you. Her cold green gaze makes you want to vomit as you swear she flares even more power. It.. It was as if it was on purpose. Unable to take it, you were quick to leave. As you take a right into a more desolate hallway, you take a quick glance to see her and her son now looking at you; her auburn hair trailing around her shoulders as she begins walk in your direction. You were now running once out of view for this couldn't be a coincidence. Everyone seemed puzzled as you sped by, but you don't dare to stop for an explanation. You do this all the way back to your dorm, and the urge to flee becomes strong. You didn't bother with clothes as you grab a hold of a safe keep box from underneath your bed. You fumbled with your keys, but as soon as they were in your grasp, you were now shuffling into the direction of the parking lot. You felt that sensation again though she was no where in sight, and it's enough to nearly make you faint. She appeared to be no where in sight though it seemed to become stronger by the minute. As you go, you still don't see the dangerous woman though you don't slow down whatsoever. It was as if... as if it imprinted on you like a target.

When you finally made it to your car, you nearly dropped your key in unlocking it, but in the end, you've become successful. Putting the box in the passenger seat, the worn down vehicle soon roars with life. You hit the gas in exiting the campus, and right when you think you can relax, you were yet again struck with such a force that your head pounds as if about to burst. You swerved into to upcoming traffic nearly wrecking the car before whipping back into your lane. Does.. Does she know you're leaving?! You frantically looked in your rear view mirror as if expecting her to be in your back seat. You didn't relax until miles away finally feeling alone in one's body.


You grandmother analyzed the children as your grandfather was peering out the window in paranoia. You looked at them hopeful for an answer, and the old woman just sighs having expected as much.

" Your.. mother.. experienced the same thing while working at a market about an hour away from here. I believe the first time was an accident; a pure coincidence in meeting. What you both felt is something we called the Gem Effect. You see, being related to a stone, you have this energy of your own. You know, all those healing benefits you hear from those spiritual like people? Anyways, you also have the ability to take on another's. Your mother had been visited six times in total at work, and the last.. warned her. The woman, known as Freyja, told she would be taken if she didn't hide quickly. She said that your species is rare here due to where they originate, and how low Earth's frequency is. From what she told her, you shouldn't of been able to survive it, and I hope that's why your mother left when she did. To protect her children from this planet and to why she thought you died. Anyways, she... woman proclaimed to be a Norse God-."

" That can't be true mamaw..."

" Well, have you felt this way around a human? Anyways, they wanted you mother to wed and leave for their worlds, but to make sure this never happened, we sent her to your Aunt Linda for a year. That's exactly what we're going to do for you and these miracles right here."

You shake your head hating the idea to be part for so long.

" Aunt Linda is dead mamaw."

" Her house is in our name though. Now, you go back your bag with what clothes you have here. You're moving to California."

You stand unable to hear any of this.

" I'm a southern girl mamaw. I'm not maid for that type of life style."

She gets up and hugs you tightly as if afraid it'll be your last.

" You have to think of your children Y/n. Now, don't be difficult for your grandparents. We'll head to the airport in the morning."

You were crying now, and it was as if your children felt it. Electric shocks danced across the table, and your grandmother just stared at them for a moment.

" I don't remember you or your mother being elementals... Didn't you say the man had electricity in his eyes?"

You nod, and your grandmother seems to go very pale.

" I wonder... if energy sticks with you in the stone.."

" Even if that's the case, it's just electricity-."

" Electricity of a God. Remember that."

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