You hung up the phone feeling a bit joyful at the fact of hearing your grandparents voice. As you sipped your black coffee, you hear Valentine call out to you asking for help up stairs. As motherhood is calling you, you make your way up the stairs to find an crying Aurora. Her blond curls were truly beautiful as her sky blue eyes cause your heart to become lighter. You scooped her up allowing her daddy to get ready for work. She instantly falls quiet as she just wished for a feminine touch.

" Has the babysitters texted you?"

" I thought I would just be watching them today."

He pokes his head out of the closet disappointed in your words.

" Darling, I really need you by my side, and you've been stuck in this house for two months. These women are really good friends of mine also, so you don't have to worry. Now, let me give a call in making sure they're coming while you get ready, okay lovely?"

You think on it wanting to surely support you fiancé, but you still think it's too early to part from them. Still yet, you give in as you proceed with a slight nod and putting Aurora in her bassinet in the other room. He thanks you with a kiss upon your forehead as he dials a set of numbers. You listen to the conversation just a bit as you pick out a purple silk dress that cuts off at the knees though still baring a tail. As you get dressed into the fashion statement, you think about what all could go possibly wrong. After all, the two can become easily overwhelmed watching over twelve babies and fourteen Stonelings. Valentine sure returns informing you they're on the way and promising for you two to have a relaxing day. You admit to him that you needed to get your mind off the Godly council; it appearing in your mind in the seldom household. You were sentenced to do Godly work though they're not sure where to stick you currently. He frowns hating that you're thinking of such things, and he tells you once again everything was going to be okay no matter what happens. It was hard to believe his words for that's not how reality works.

You applied a little make up and straightened your hair the best you could, and when you looked at Valentine ready, he tackled you against the wall while tasting your lip gloss. His lips trailed down your neck  as his hands fall upon your hips. You moaning his name as you hype up a leg; you hooking it around the back of his leg and bringing him closer. You feel his bulge against your panties, and he grinds against it whispering something into your ear.

" I feel your warmth."

He then picks you up landing you on the bed as he makes his way to his knees. His hand slides up your thighs rubbing his thumb against the cloth repeatedly. He bites his lip at how we you wet, and he slides them down to reveal your womanhood.

" May I?"

" Yes~."

You cling at the sheets as you feel his tongue enter you deeply. He spells out his name marking his territory, and you whimpered profusely as he sucks on your clit. You were mentally begging for his cock now; his hot mouth prevents you from talking. After a few minutes, you were about to climax when there was a knock downstairs.

" You.. You should get that-."

He takes out his tongue before roughyly slamming two fingers inside of you.

" Not before you cum."

He goes at a rapid pace scissoring you every few seconds. You can't stop the sounds that left you, and Valentine pleads you to keep going.

" Say my name darling.. Louder.. Whose your husband?... You love daddy, don't you.. Tell me you'll stay with me forever."

" Valentine, don't stop... V-Valentine... You are.... I love you.. I'll never leave you!"

You shuddered as you finally cum all over his fingers so easily, and he pulls them out looking dazed as he sucked at each finger individually. He brings them to your own mouth wanting you to have a taste. You deep throat it wanting more attention from him.

" You better stop..."

He says before standing, and now done, you go clean youself up while he checks to see who it is. Valentine waits for you to be out of sight before grabbing his dick rubbing those two same fingers over it as he pumps himself a few times. He scratches at the wall as he can't help himself, but then there was the consistent knocking again.

Please.. a little more time..

You were going to come out the bathroom soon anyways, so Valentine finally quits as he doesn't want to embarrass himself. He makes sure it's not noticeable before going down the stairs. He opens the door with a faked cheerness to instantly be filled with terror. There laid your Uncle Joa with an unknown woman. Joa had long, almost shoulder length hair: a shade of dirty blonde. His left eye was green while the right blue being an interesting case of heterochemia. The woman on the other hand had (h/c) hair and striking (e/c) orbs that sent daggers into him.

" Where is Y/n?"

" She's upstairs getting ready for a party. Please come in."

" Do we have to?"

The woman is speaking to Joa in a distasteful way catching Valentine off guard. Joa turns to her his face becoming redder than ever.

" Yes. We. Are."

" Who is it Valentine?"

" Your mother! Now get down here!"

It was as if she wanted a reason to yell at you.

" Last time I recall, I don't have one!"

You started walking down the steps not hearing her uncle's snickering. Valentine was proud though never saying it.

" You are both children."

" Says the one who sent assassins to kill her child."

Valentine was no longer smiling as he was resisting slamming the door in her face.

" That doesn't make me a child. It would of made me a murder.. that's if I succeeded. Such a pity I didn't."

If only your mamaw was hearing this...

" Now tell her what she is."

" Mother Maeve will kill me-."

" If you don't say it, I'll tell the council what you did."

She sighs cross her arms out of boredom.

" I killed you as a child because you were a Banisher Queen, and we don't need someone to have that type of power."

Valentine comes to your side, but you lay unaffected for she isn't worth the hate.

" Thanks for burying me in the ground. Because of you, I'm stronger than ever. Now, you can leave mother. Uncle Joa, do you want a come in for a cup of tea before we go? You can see the children if you want."

" I would love, too."

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