You find yourself staying up late in the night for the children would be born any day now. Valentine was, of course, was in a deep slumber cuddling you. You listened to him as he talks in his sleep. He often says your name making a shiver run down your spine. You shifted out a hand unable to see the ring in the darkness, but you know it's there. Your eyes shift to the night stand on your side where seven Stonelings laid while the other half was on Valentine's side. Wanting to be by yourself, you crawled out of bed successfully creeping out of the house. You hug yourself as you decide to work on your powers starting with the Tree of Life. You.. You weren't sure how to trigger it without your babies souls at your side, but you try anyway digging deep within yourself. You.. You sort of felt that energy as your bright aura returned, and you see they both relate now. You pushed your brightness and even summon your shards in hope it trigger your wings. The crystallization ran up both wrists, but it seems almost hopeless... until you noticed the multiple orbs being attracted by your power. You apologized in waking them not seeing Valentine who watched in wonderment. They floated above your head as the branches returned, and you giggled at the sudden weight at your back. You twirled in your dress suddenly blushing at the sight of Valentine. He just smiles widely liking what he was seeing, and he comes closer grabbing you softly by the hands.

" You're beautiful my dear."

" Thank you."

You suddenly see the five sprite like beings join your tree then, and you become concerned about them being separate from their bodies. You were quick then to send it all away turning everything back to normal. Valentine still looked down in you with adoration even in your pajamas. He grabs a hold of your hair as he kissed you. You allowed the affection; you placing a hand around his neck. You've known this man for three months, but you admit you're really warming up to him.

That's when you feel something pierce your chest causing you to gasp. Your breath becomes shaky as you fall into Valentine's arms.

" No... No!"

He screams as the beasts roared inside of him to be let out. Valentine quickly shields you to prevent further damage as he turns his back to the forest to be met with my Stoneling spikes. Falling upon the grass, your whole body was then engulfed in green as your blood soaked the ground. There then was a faint rumbling beneath you making you fearful, but it soon settles to reveal gigantic roots attacking the enemy. You could hear their screams as they're torn apart limb by limb, and it became so brutal that Valentine actually covered your ears. You were suddenly met with silence as fast as the tendrils appeared, and the ground shakes again as something reminding you it was there.

Valentine can see you're healing, so he quickly removed the white agate weapon. It quickly seals, and he sighs in relief.


You woke up to Valentine talking on the phone.

" Whatever it is, it isn't her fault. Someone targeted her, and Earth was just trying to protect her. You.. You can't penalize her.. I guess that's not bad, but what would she even do? You think so? I doubt she has a natural status and title. Well, maybe a ruler of Earth I guess... I understand.... A meeting when? Today? I can make it work. Goodbye."

You hear him throw his phone immediately muttering damn it from regretting so. You find yourself getting out of bed to comfort him, and he meets you halfway. To help with his anxiety, you landed a kiss on his lips which he takes seriously running his hands up and down your body.

" I promise you'll be okay. We'll figure this out."

You say nothing as you bring him into a deep hug.


You and Valentine watched as the Stoneling opened up like a flower as you two are instantly met with crying. You've waited so long for this that you weren't sure how to react to this, but Valentine prompts you to hold him. You picked up the orange diamond having already chosen a name for the young one some time ago.

" Hello Silas."

" Silas.. I like it."

Valentine puts an arm around you while his other hand ruffles his dark hair. His chocolate eyes light up from the physical contact as electricity pulses though them. Valentine found the moment spectacular as he talks directly to the baby.

" I'm you daddy."

You leaned into his side singing a lullaby as you waited for the rest to hatch from their incubators. You had a desire for Nico to be ther for he deserves it, but maybe you can fly him out here sometime.

You think back to Valentine's proposal, and you wondered how it truly would be like to live in the Godly world. You mean, what if there's another Fae attack? Maeve was informed of it, but people are speculating she was the one behind it to begin with. You sigh wondering why she hated you so, and Valentine nuzzles your hair before asking if something is wrong.

" Do you think the Gods will accept me?"

" Nost already do, and the ones that don't are either jealous or fearful."

You nod finding yourself to be oddly tired. As you cradled Silas, you asked Valentine to take watch for you. He agrees being a bit worried at it all, but he doesn't voice it. You take Silas with you holding him close as fearful he'll disappear. You cupped his head bringing your own body closer to his. You think of your grandparents, and how they'll be so happy the children made it. Silas L/n. My first born. Life couldn't get any better than this. You both ran away from Juno, you fault off a monster of Hades, and you were sucked off to sea as two sea deities fought over you. You both are survivors, and I'm glad to be blessed with children so special.

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