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Mom left us when I was a teen, my father was the murderer.


Mom wrote on the floor with dripping crimson blood. Without a moment of pausing, father striked from our backs. Celestia gave me a second chance as I concidentally dodged his attack.

I carried Biyu on my torso and ran off while father chased behind. He's not himself anymore...

The moments where we spent as family shattered, the bond we had for eachother snapped. Poor Biyu, facing all of those violence and blood since childhood.

The only comfort for me is she's sleeping carefreely, soundly. Never hearing the hopeless screams of mother and the splattering of blood.

If it wasn't one of his friend tricking him into drugs, we should have a complete family like the picture of a jigsaw puzzle, instead of this mess.

I didn't even have time to put on my shoes, I had to ran out in the blizzard. Soft and fluffy snow now felt like nails piercing my feet. Dancing snowflakes charged at me in the storm blocking my sight.

Biyu was quietly shivering in the cold, I have no fur coat with me. All I can do is to hold her close in my arms, as if having a tug of war with death.

The blizzard raged on and on, father's voice solwly vanished in my ears. Yet I must go further away, I must no turn back until I found a place.

I fell into the thick snow face first. The cold was suffocating, maybe just a rest won't hurt. I didn't forget the hold Biyu close to me as I wrapped her around.

I'm feeling so light, maybe I am not going to make it, but no matter what, Biyu needs to...

"Sir, we found objects ahead." The scouts said.

A group of fatui marched in the snow. Even the mightiest stands nothing against the snow, even if they have their bodies wrapped up with fur coats, they still shudder by the wrath of the cold sometimes.

"What is it?"

The head of the group asked, his red scarf waved aggressively in the blizzard. "It's a girl, seeming to be clinging on something." The scouts replied.

He crouched down to see the girl they said. "The blizzard is murderous, we can't leave them here, take them back to the headquarters." He comanded.

"Sir, about the older sister..." his subordinate muttered. "I'll deal with it myself." He replied.


"There isn't any wound of the little one, just need to keep her warm." Alrecchino said. Biyu is still sound asleep at the warm couch beside a fireplace, covered with a soft cotton blanket.

"Can I take her to the house of hearth?" Alrecchino asked. "No, I don't trust you, I found a better place for her." He replied.

As much as they are going to start a argument, they held themselves back as Biyu was still asleep. "Well since you found a better place, might as well bring her with you for your expendition later." Alrecchino said.

"Probably what I'm going to do." Childe replied and scooped Biyu up in his arms. "Sorry kiddo, I need to give you to someone." Childe whispered, as if he wants to tell her, yet doesn't want her to know.


"Xian Sheng!" Childe waved to Zhongli. "Mr Childe, nice to see you again." Zhongli said. Zhongli saw the child laying in Childe's embrace and his eyes flickered between them.

"Is that your daughter?" Zhongli asked. "Ah?? No! She looks very different from me!" Childe said panickly. Biyu moved a bit and Childe flinched from her sudden movement quietly wishing her to not be awake.

"Xian Sheng, I found this child with no parents, do you have people to take care of her?" Childe asked. "Yes, I have a friend, maybe she'll like her." Zhongli received Biyu from Childe.

He paused for a while as he looked at the shining orb beside him. "Who's that guest?" Zhongli asked. "What guest?" Childe looked around.

Zhongli looked down at his hair to find it glowing too. He seems to have something in mind. "Thank you Childe." Zhongli said and rushed off, leaving Childe scratching his head.


"Well we've met again Morax! Come, have some tea." The wrinkles beside her eyes deepened as she smiled. "Madam Ping, I have a little one, not sure if you like her or not." Zhongli sat down on the stool with Biyu in her hands.

"Ooh! She's a cute-" Yanfei popped up behind but Zhongli quickly covered her mouth. "Don't wake her up." Zhongli said. Yanfei sweated nervously and nodded.

"I would love to take her in." Madame Ping smiled and took her in her arms. "An angel like her shouldn't be abandoned." Madam Ping.


How long was it I've stayed by her side? I don't know. Maybe since the day she woke up.

Biyu cried and cried, desperately searching for my appreance. "Sestra! Sestra!" Biyu screamed while crying. "Calm down little one!" Yanfei chased after her.

Biyu ran through the rooms, pushed over things searched basically anywhere that a person could hide, but it was all in vain.

I clenched my fist in guilt as I quietly looked at her desperation. I forgot who she is, but I feel so horrible to leave her like this.

"I don't know who Sestra is, but you're safe with us here." Yanfei held her. "I want my Sestra!" Biyu screamed. "I'm not sure where she is, but she probably told us to take care of you." Yanfei comforted.

"Why did Sestra leave me...? Am I a bad child?" Biyu asked, tearing up. "I'm very sure she has her own reason!" Yanfei panicked. "Want some Tanghulu?" Madam Ping waved a skewer of strawberry covered in caramel.

The shiny sugar reflected the eagerness in Biyu's eyes. "No." She refused. "Sestra told me to not eat anything from strangers." Biyu crossed her arms.

"We are not strangers." Yanfei pats Biyu's head. "This one is safe, Madam Ping made it herself." Yanfei gave her the Tanghulu.

Biyu looked at Madam Ping and munched on the Tanghulu quietly. "What's your name little one?" Yanfei asked. "Biyu." Biyu replied looking like she's going to cry.

"Nice to meet you Biyu, I'm Yanfei." Yanfei held out her hand and shook Biyu's.


Now I've seen her in safe hands, I should complete my mission too. I have something I must give someone the somthing...

But what exactly is it, who specifically it is? I forgot.

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