A familiar feeling

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Travelling through the regions of teyvat, I still couldn't find the person I want to see. Going back to the start, maybe the person I always wanted to find is right at where I want to find.

The snow seemed to be calmer than how I saw it when I was still here. The snow is no more raging, I feel safer now. Couples were walking in the snow, giggling and talking.

Looking further away I saw people surrounding in circles. With my translucent body, I went through the crowd easily. I saw him, the kind man who saved a child.

He was doing Snezhnayan dance in the circle while others and clapping in sync to his music. His ginger hair and dreamy blue eyes stood out in the vast white snow.

Prancing around the snow with men at closer to him, twirling with ladies from the audience. Chanting and laughter filled the air. They seem to like him alot, he seems more friendlier than stern like how I saw him last time.

Maybe it was the dance that made him unleash who he wants to be, carefree and stressless.

He was wearing a white coat with black fur and a red scarf around his neck. Now he's dressed up so casual in a grey furry hat and a warm coat.

He had powerful kicks like his smile that stuns people in awe. Thousands of turns, none of it makes him dizzy like how other girls swoon for him.

People were clapping and chanting as the music came to it's climax, hoping that he can complete the turns that seemed to be impossible.

Eventually, I joined in the crowds and started clapping in sync too. He striked a powerful and stunning pose at the end, leaving people screeching and applauding.

I was shocked by his body control on those dizzy turns, did he just end it like nothing? "Sir, the Tsaritsa called." His subordinate, a cryo cincin mage came to him.

"I'll be there." Childe panted. "It's a miracle that you managed to sweat in a weather so cold like this, wipe them off before they get frozen on your face." The cincin mage passed him a towel.

"Thank you." Childe panted and left the scene, where I followed behind them. "Your majesty." Childe reported himself as he knelt before the Cryo Archon.

"Dearest Childe, stand up." She replied. "You were out again prancing I see?" She asked. "I-" Childe looked down to his shirt.

He forgot to change into his harbinger uniform and the other harbingers are wheezing at the back ground.

I snuck into the majestic hall, with the Tsaritsa sitting on the throne. The snowy white hair laid on shoulders. The crown sat straight on her head, she looked so mesmerising.

It's like once in a lifetime, 18 years in Snezhnaya, I finally met the Archon. "I decided, I would host a festival." Tsaritsa said. "Why so sudden?" Childe asked.

"Seeing how safe you are after dancing outside, Snezhnaya is finally free from blizzard." Tsaritsa replied. "Had to know it always had been blizzard and avalanche in here no?" Tsaritsa replied.

"Say, isn't it celebratory for it to finally stop?" Tsaritsa asked. "Yes your majesty." Childe replied. "Why don't you teach the other harbingers some of Snezhnaya dances?" Tsaritsa leaned foward eyes to eyes to see Childe closely.

"Uh... sure." Childe smiled. "Why can I hear my bones crack?" Pierro asked. "I had not spoken yet." Pulcinella added. "Come on, think positively, at least we get to dance!" Columbina clapsed her hands together like a child hearing fairy tale.

Childe began tutoring the harbingers on dancing, I quietly looked at it and tried to learn along side too.

"It's easy Jester, just raise your hand and turn!" Childe demonstrated to Pierro.

This is no action for a old man.

Pierro tried his best to do it like Childe. Pantalone already learnt it and was twirling with Columbina.

I tripped my ankle and fell on the floor. Suddenly I like this trasparent form more, I won't feel pain. I paid close attention to his legs and tried to adjust it accordingly.

"Turn out one leg, other demi pointe, rise up, lift heel, turn heel, rise up, lift heel, turn heel... I DID IT!" I jumped. "Right hand up, turn, turn, turn." I tried on my own.

I giggled all by my own as I twirled around by myself as Childe taught the others. "Traditional dances are a bully, the males are always powerful while the females are more simple and elegant." Childe said.

"Mhm!" I nodded and jotted down on my imaginary notebook. "But even so I like powerful ones." I said to myself.

That was the time where I was the only child. Mom and dad always brought me to those spectacular shows. Before my family crumbles apart.

I remember when I was a child of 9, I always go to the dance theatre. The big brothers and sisters always glide on the dance floor, levitates in the air, performing on stage with astonishingly.

They have elegant ones, powerful ones, funny ones, anything and everything. I love seeing duets, especially romance. Even though they aren't in love, but the moves are enough to convince you.

No matter how of a person I am, I always dreamed to dance like that too. Maybe with my future lover, who knows. Just dance, no stress, no sadness, just laughters and happiness.

But sometimes its also not bad to do it alone... when you feel lonely that is.

"Phew, how exhausting." Childe wiped his sweat as he sat onto the couch. I stepped close to him as I quietly peeked at his face.

The accident had made me forget everything, even feelings. I don't understand this strange attraction towards this man I've never seen in my life.

The rustling of the couch as he suddenly stood up made me jump. I hovered my gaze as I watched his walk away with his boots hitting against the floor with each pace he spreads.

"Tap... Tap... Tap..."

He opened a door, it creaked, my heart raced, what's behind it? He continued further in and stopped behind a glass box.

"Miss, the blizzard is over." He said to the box. "Your sister... she's is safe hands, and... I'm still trying to find a place for you to rest in peace." Childe added.

"The snow in Snezhnaya is thick, I'm afraid I can find warm soil for you." Childe scratched his head.

"You're so funny, you know that? You didn't wear warm clothes when you ran in the snow." Childe sighed. "I adore you." Childe said placing his hand on the glass.

"Not much people sacrifices for their siblings." Childe said. "Don't worry, your father is in jail forever, he won't hurt you anymore."

"Who is he talking to?" I asked myself. Is it someone he holds dear to? If not, why is he talking with it? It's a coffin, with corpse.

I walked around him to get a look at the person, to my surprise, it's-

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