Chioriya boutique

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"Fontaine Fashion week... hmm, let's see the theme." Chiori ran through the newspaper from Charlotte.

"Deep meaning." Chiori read and hummed. "Does the organiser ever have any new ideas? It's seriously the 5th time this theme appeared." Chiori opened up a door to a specific room.

It was filled with special outfits full with story's untold. "It's unusual that I ran out of ideas." Chiori said and crossed her arms.

"I guess it's time for a walk." Chiori walked to the table and placed the sign.

"Chiori out for idea walk, please come back later."

"Let's see, something with deep meaning..." Chiori looked around her as she walked around. "Oh?" Chiori raised her eyebrows when she saw Navia.

"Welcome to Fontaine then Camillia, feel free to ask me if you had any questions." Navia said. "Oh? Who might that be?" Navia tilted her body to the side.

"Who's WHOA-" I jumped away when I saw Chiori holding my scarf. The scarf was tugged away from her hand as she looked up to me.

"Sorry, I was carried away." Chiori gave me a bow. "Oh by the way, have you heard about the Fashion week Chiori?" Navia asked.

"Of course, tsk, the organiser could be more creative instead of reusing the same theme." Chiori crossed her arms. "Are you confident to win again this year?" Navia asked.

"Probably, I already had my idea." Chiori looked at me. "Huh?" I hummed. "I'm Chiori, the owner of Chioriya Boutique. Can you follow me?" Chiori asked. "Say yes, she's a popular designer." Navia whispered in my ears.

"Uhm... sure." I smiled.


"How are you so sure that I'm the best inspiration for the theme?" I asked. "Do you even know me?" I asked. "Shush, do not question me." Chiori sketched me down on the sketch book as I held in the T-pose.

"B-But..." "No buts."

I stood there quietly, the boredom is suffocating as I held in the same position for a long time. Chiori was quiet the whole time as she was drawing.

"Hey... Ms Chiori, how did you know me?" I asked. She clipped the pen and looked up to me. "I heard it from Inazuma. Have you heard of social tunnels?" Chiori asked.

"Not really... but it's a bit impossible right? Judging by how far these two places are." I asked.

"What if I tell you that my social tunnel can lead to all over teyvat?" Chiori asked. "Uhm... Is that possible?" I asked.

"Let's say someone told your story to someone in Inazuma, then the someone in Inazuma sent a letter to me." Chiori said.

"Wait. A friend from Inazuma?" I asked. "Yes, I won't tell you who they are, no matter what you do." Chiori glared at me.

"Wait... Itto told my story, to probably the Yashiro Commisioner, then he wrote a letter to you probably after seeing the news?" I tried to figure things out. "What..." Chiori looked at me in disbelief.

"Navia told me you once participated in a drama called the 2 musketeers, you won the award isn't it? I think it's also a cultural exchange between Inazuma and Fontaine? Oh, I think she also told me that the Kamisato Siblings joined.

I just randomly guessed that they're probably your friends. I mean, both of you talked like friends, according to Charlotte, who told Navia and Navia told me, y-you know?

It doesn't really makes sense but somehow Sir Kamisato also has connection with Itto. If we put it together..." I tried to recall from my memory.

"Stop stop stop, I get it." Chiori said. "But then how are you going to name it?" I asked. "That's a secret." Chiori replied.

Chiori stood up and stood beside me. "Can I have a touch of your fabric?" Chiori asked. "Uh sure." I said.

"Let's see, dark, bluish grey cotton blouse, grey wool coat probably from sheep wool. Synthetic fur scarf with decorative diamond shaped metal thingy... brown leather belt and boots...

Cuffs... similar to Lady Furina's, made out from cotton too, two layers of light yellow cotton dress, with yellow satin as the third, knee length. Yellow gradients Cotton leggings. Black cotton cape...

Silk yellow bow, white lace below, black gloves like Lyney's." Chiori did not let off a single deatil of my outfit.

"I'll go and prepare." Chiori said and walked off. I became translucent and walked off to Fontaine. Afterall, I still need to complete my mission.


It's been months, I've not found the person. However, the results for the fashion week was out.

"Top 3 best liked ideas!
Top 3, "Marriage" by XXX. Top 2, "Unspoken troubles" by XXX. Top 1 "Braving the cold" by XXX."

You scanned through the magazine. "Strange, Chiori's not in there, why is the Top 1 looking like mine?" I asked.

I picked up my pace to Chioriya Boutique, a bunch of interviewers.

"Miss Chiori, is it true that you got disqualified?"

"Is it true that you copied XXX?"

The sound of mixed interviews and Kamera snapping and flashing hurts my ears and my eyes, I couldn't imagine standing in Chiori's perspective.

"I did not, it was an original idea." Chiori said calmly facing the crowd. "Someone took my clipboard a few days ago, I had to make it by myself." Chiori said. "Some jerk must have taken it as theirs." Chiori crossed her arms.

"How are you going to prove your innocence?" They asked. "If someone just copies it blindly, they won't know what they've copied.

"Without any information of the dress written, they'll just simply put a name and the story. For example, braving the cold, standing firm in the snow." Chiori pointed out.

"How does Miss Chiori sees this?" They asked.

"The dress is called Camillia, inspired by a girl who ran away from home with her sister to escape from her father.

Before she collapses in the snow, she used up all her strength to protect her little sister from the cold.

When she woke up again, she forgot who her little sister is, all she wants now is to find her unknown sister again." Chiori explained.

"I was moved my her persistence, hence I made a dress like this for you people to understand and help her." Chiori added.

Tears formed in my eyes along with others. Chiori seems so cold and emotionless, she would still spread messages through her work.

"How moving... I must help her."

"I can't believe I'm in tears because of a dress."

"How despicable, copying something so deep meaning like this."

"XXX doesn't deserve that prize!"

The crowd became angry and marched to XXX's shop. A few days later, XXX was sued and fined for copyrights claim. "Chiori I-" "Say less." Chiori walked into the shop and closed the door.

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