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I struggled open my bloodshot eyes, still lying in that pile on snow. The fatui went around us and walked away. I can't blame them, I'm not anyone special anyway.

The blizzard quiets down and snow falls on my face like daggers. The cold wind blew at me, taunting at my weakness. Snow trapped my body and did not want me to move at all.

My breathing became slower and shallower, my body had stopped shivering, I felt a warm feeling in my body. As they say, it's the last stage of hypothermia before I die, completely.

I smiled, laughed and chuckled by my own, as I watched my skin turned frozen purple. I clinged on Biyu, tears fell down and froze on my cheeks.

Her heart beat, slow and shallow. Please celestia, give me another chance, save my sister. She still had so many things to not go through, she's still a child.

What do I expect to not die from the cold? I was wearing just a dress knee length dress, barefooted, no cotton leggings to keep my legs warm.

It's impossible that the archons will feel pity of me. Fufilling my lowly dreams of dancing in the theatre involving all archons, inviting me to the ball held by Tsaritsa herself or them giving me a second chance to live.

If even archons won't sympathise me, not even the fatuis will. No one will talk to me even if I'm dead. I shall never be a part of them like colleagues or friends.

None of people in teyvat will pity for me, they don't even know who I am in the first place. I highly doubted that people in Snezhnaya heard about my name, talking about outsiders.

Albedo will not interract with me, won't even try to figure out how did the non-existence-at-all blessing from Morax works.

Chiori will not make a dress based on my story, who cares about it anyway? It's not like it's going to help. People just don't care about it.

Itto will not give me roasted lavender melons, and tried to understand me. Morax will not be with me, will not talk with me.

Childe never remembered who he saved when he was a child, he just wanted to rush back home a eat his dinner. It's so hard to forget Biyu so that I don't die with guilt of not staying by her side.

All of the story, is just a comfort for myself before I die of hypothermia.

I'm not immortal, I am not born in any family of the Duke or the Duchess.

I didn't sacrifice myself for the world, I did nothing to touch the hearts of the archons, neither celestia nor people of teyvat.

I'm nothing but a normal little Snezhnayan that ran away from home.

Before I died, not even a person pitied at me. Not even a vision was seen to save my life too. Maybe it's because I am not traumatised enough.

My broken family is not broken enough, the sacrifice of my life did not change the world, probably that's why Celestia did not notice me at all.

Maybe if one day when I get another chance from celestia, I'll be a daughter of the Duke and Duchess.

I can sign up for the dance academy that I loved the most, I can take good care of my sister, I can make sure my dad doesn't get any drugs from any horrible friends.

I can dance for the Tsaritsa as her performer, I can perform to the archons.

So many left to say, so much more to do. Yet I just can't get a grip of it. By then Celestia was already pushing me to my end, my time has come.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03 ⏰

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