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The theatre entrance slammed open and fatui trooped in. "Who dares to trespass the property of her majesty the Tsaritsa?!" They interrogated.

I rose from my curtsy and saw the 7 archons vanished. The guards at the entrance glared at me with their weapons in hand. Looking down at my shoes, my vision was active, they can see me like normal humans.

Soon enough, I was seized back to the headquarters. 9 harbingers looking at me like strangers, including the one I've known him, Childe.

"Presumptuous, sneaking into the Theatre honored by the Tsaritsa herself." Pierro cried, sending the whole hall silent.

I looked at the people, to the floor, to the Tsaritsa, there is no way I can place my gaze without angering them further.

"Loosen your grip." Tsaritsa waved her hand and stood up from her throne. She walked past the harbingers lining neatly beside her throne by rankings, dragging her cape on the floor.

"They must have scared you my child." She held my shoulders. "I know you're confused, I'll explain everything to you." She took you to a quiet room.

"Childe, Arlecchino, I put most of my trust in both of you, help me watch the door, do not eavesdrop." Tsaritsa commanded and went in.

Childe and Arlecchino closed the door behind Tsaritsa and guarded by the door outside.

Tick... Tock... Tick... Tock...

The second hand of the clock infront them was ticking, pendulum swaying left and right as the ticking continued.

Childe was tapping his leg as his legs are beginning to become wobbly. Arlecchino stood there unfazed by the akward hour of secrecy.

"Hey Knave, what do you think they are talking inside?" Childe asked. "No idea." Arlecchino replied. "What does the Tsaritsa have to talk with that outsider?" Childe started to march on place so that each of the leg gets some rest.

Meanwhile, on the otherside of the door, the Tsaritsa was sitting on the couch, with me at the opposite side fiddling with my fingers.

"So, dearie, I am a bit troubled to explain this situation for you." The Tsaritsa said after some silence. "A few days ago, all of the archons had a meeting." Tsaritsa tried to make it sound friendlier to be heard.

"Morax, as the leader of the meeting this time, decided to talk about you." Tsaritsa said and piqued my interest.

"You say you wanted to bring that mortal back alive?" Murata scrunched her eyebrows. "Exactly." Morax replied. "That's very against celestial rules." Murata crossed her arms.

"Which is why I gathered everyone here to discuss about this matter." Zhongli puts his hands on the table. "I strongly disagree." Murata closed her eyes to hide her burning eyes.

"What about you Beezebulb?" Zhongli asked. "Nothing lasts eternal, you shouldn't hold on that long in her." Ei replied. Zhongli sighed and turned his head to Tsaritsa.

"I think of the same with Murata and Beezebulb, sorry Morax." Tsaritsa replied. "You two." Zhongli scowled at the two archons behind him.

"You both never participated in the meeting, don't pretend that I didn't realise." Zhongli pointed out.


"Barbatos." Zhongli growled.

Venti pouted and lowered the wine in his hands. "This is ridiculous! She needs freedom!" Venti cried and sipped his wine.

"And Justice." Foçalors added. "She didn't even get to live her adulthood and is already dead because of her father." Foçalors scooped a spoon of strawberry cake.

"Her freedom was already stripped away from her drug addiction father, you can't just NOT give her another chance." Venti slammed his cup on the table.

"Exactly, but as the archon of contracts... once she's dead, she can't be alive again..." Zhongli held his forehead.

"Well if the fact of her, being dead, never existed, is it still valid?" A petite voice rang in between the two parties of agree and disagree.

"What's your point of view Buer?" Zhongli asked. "If we go into Irminsul and erase the memories about her, she technically wouldn't be dead anymore. Then I'll just return the memoriesto her through some ways." Nahida swung her legs.

"In that case, Beezebulb, Tsaritsa and Murata won't need to be afraid of disobeying celestia. Morax, Barbatos and Foçalors can also get her a second chance." Nahida said.

"That's a brilliant idea Buer! Ohoho! As expected from the god of wisdom!" Venti chuckled and passed her the wine cup by sliding it across the table.

"However, Irminsul can't completely erase one's memory." Nahida said reaching out for the cup. Ei pressed the wine cup in place so that Nahida can't take it.

"So even though the information of her was deleted... there might be a glimpse that wasn't destroyed." Nahida retrieved her hands.

"That is...?"

The 6 archons asked in chorus.

"So... the only glimpse of memory that wasn't erased, was the memory from the Archons towards me?" I asked.

"Does that mean... Childe had forgotten about me?" I asked. "I'm afraid so." Tsaritsa replied. "Who else had forgotten about me..." I asked myself.

An unknown person hidden underneath my heart, with no identity or information.

I clenched my fist and wrinkled my dress. "You really like Childe alot huh?" Tsaritsa asked. "I.. don't know... I feel like I owed him so much from saving me." I replied.

"Is that so?" Tsaritsa raised her eyebrows. I peeked up to her and lowered my head. "And because he saved a child in the blizzard, I... strongly adore his kindness and bravery." I added.

Tsaritsa stood up and pats me on the shoulder. "I loved your dance, would you accept my invitation as the special guest?" Tsaritsa asked and I perked my head up to her.

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