Wanderer of snow and frost

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"Not guilty."

Neuvillette's voice rang across the court. "Wait a minute, how is this possible?" Furina leaned forward to the barriers. "I don't know, you tell me hydro archon." I frowned, feeling a punch of emotions.

Furina was taken aback by my words and sat back to the chair.

"If there is nothing else, I declare the session, over." Neuvillette stamped the cane, stood up and walked off.

I walked out if the court, sad and frustrated.

This, accompanied me to Mondstadt, Liyue, Inazuma, Fontaine, Natland, Snezhnaya, all the time, rain or sun, life or death, still getting into trouble because of a famous designer that litterally had me as the idea accused me as stealing.

I glared at passerby who threw me glares.

Fame does said everything doesn't it? People still standing by Chiori's side even though the Oatrice proved me innocent.

I frowned and stomped on the floor, boots making loud thuds.

What's next? Sending threat letters?

I tightened my lips as tears begining to flow down. "It's nothing... She just forgot about me... that's all." I rubbed my eyes and left.


I returned to Snezhnaya a month later, to attend a ball held by Tsaritsa. Admist the elegant and long gowns, I stood out the most, or to be honest, not with the theme.

I'm in there with the only short skirt of mine and cotton tights. Where it never seemed to fit the atmosphere at all. Even after a millennium, my clothes shall remain unchanged.

"Hey you, are you sure you got an invitation from the Tsaritsa?" The fatui guards stopped me before I could enter the gates. "What do you mean? Tsaritsa invited all Snezhnayans." I planted my hands on my hips upsetly.

"You don't seem like your here for the ball." He said looking down at my clothes. "I am." I furrowed my eyebrows. "What's that dress?" They discussed about it.

"Are you going to let me in, or nah?" I asked. "Since the Tsaritsa did not put specific dress code... I assume so." They stood to the side. "Have fun embarrassing yourself." The one on the right whispered into my ears.

I stepped into the venue and scanned around. It was lighthearted and happy, Tsaritsa was sitting on her throne, looking down to people dancing together like snowflakes.

She raised her head and saw me, signalling me to go to her. "Your majesty." I responded to her call. She whispered something in my ear and I nodded obediently.

The lights dimmed, spot lights shone at the two hidden entrance at the staircase beside Tsaritsa's throne.

"It's the Harbingers!" People exclaimed. The 9 harbingers came out in pairs, they performed, with Childe stealing the spotlight constantly because of his skills. Even the Tsaritsa came down from the throne, holding Pierro's hand and waltzed with him.

I peeked at the outside in the left entrance, gripping on the interior. The music slowly died, some servants took her throne down to the center of the hall and she sat on it.

"I have a special guest today." Tsaritsa nudged Childe's arm. "She's way better at dancing to you." She teased. "Oh really? I'm soo jealous." Childe joked. "The time has come." The Tsaritsa announced.

My longed dream is coming true, I am performing, as a dancer, to people of Snezhnaya, to the Tsaritsa. I extended my leg and stepped out of the entrance running out on my toes and curtsied to my audience.

(If you're wondering what she performed, search up Don Quixote, Bridesmaid Variation 1&2.)

"Wait... she's..." Childe tilted his head. "She's a part of the performance too?" Childe asked. "Correct." Tsaritsa replied. "Elegant isn't it?" Tsaritsa added.

"How splendid." Columbina clasped her hands together. The orchestra accompanied me as I swayed, finally, I curtsied, ran out through the right entrance and panted in the dark interior.

After catching a breath, I headed out and joined in the fun. I found Childe, I was about to express my gratitude for his guardianship, the traveller opened the door. "Hey Girlie, long time no see." Childe waved and walked up to her.

I stood there frozen as he talked to the traveller and did not have time for me to have a talk with him. In between the moment he was talking with the traveller, my vision glowed abruptly and I saw a child hiding into the corner when I look at her.

I walked up to her and knelt to her height level. "Hey there little one, what are you doing here?" I asked the kid in Liyue attire. "I followed traveller here..." She muttered.

"What's your nane?" I asked. "Biyu..."

"Biyu?" I repeated.

It sounds so familiar...

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