Little Biyu

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"What are you doing here?" I asked. "Here to find my Sestra..." she fiddled with her fingers. "Who's your Sestra?" I asked again. "I... don't know..." she started to tear up.

I hugged her and comforted the poor child that can't find her sister. "You know, you can't stay with the traveller for too long, she needs to find her brother too." I said holding her shoulder.

"But... where do I go?" Biyu asked. "You can follow me, I might not be strong like her, but I will protect you like my little sister." I promised.

To fill up the remaining duration of the ball, I taught the child not more than 6 years old to dance. "Wait, I'm going to tell big sister traveller that I'm leaving." Biyu said and ran to the traveller on her little boots.

"Big sister traveller!" She called out, snapping off the conversation between Childe and her. "Yes Biyu?" The traveller asked. "Biyu won't bother you anymore, I found another traveller to take care of her." Biyu said.

"Oh? Which is?" Paimon asked. "Her!" Biyu pointed at me as I looked at them and waved my hand. "Be careful Biyu, don't simply follow others around." Childe said.

"Biyu just be careful okay?" The traveller held Biyu's shoulder and she nodded. I held Biyu's hand and stepped out of the hall.


"I don't exactly have a place to sleep." I said putting up a simple tent. "It's okay, I used to sleep in a teapot with traveller." Biyu said.

"Sleeping... in a teapot?" I scratched my head. "Anyway, it's getting late, we should snooze off for today." I said.

In the middle if my sleep, I heard some rackets outside. Opened up the tent and saw little Biyu fighting off hilichurls. Realisation struck me and I jumped out of my tent.

"Stay away!" I screamed and threw a litteral tree at the hilichurl. They squirmed away as the tree huts the ground. Biyu stared at it in shock and turned her head to me.

"You're so strong..." she whispered. "HUH? I THREW THAT? I DIDN'T KNOW I CAN DO IT." I laughed.


It's been weeks since I've taken care of her, I've been realising something really weird with my vision. I brought Biyu back to Liyue and searched for Morax.

"Ah, miss Camillia, nice to see you again." A deep voice rang behind me. "M-" "Call me Zhongli, dear old friend." Zhongli said.

"Zhongli." I repeated after him. "I saw you walking around with little Biyu and came to say hi, what brought you back to Liyue again?" Zhongli asked. "You know big sister Camillia and me?" Biyu asked.

"Why of course, I used to hold you when you're young." Zhongli chuckled. "Madam Ping did told me about you, are you Rex Lapis?" Biyu asked. Zhongli placed his finger on his lips and gave a smile.

"Camillia, don't you think your vision only acts weirdly when you are close to Biyu?" Zhongli asked. "It is?" I asked, walking away and closer to Biyu. "It's true." I replied.

"I hope you did not forget the purpose of your journey." Zhongli reminded me.

Memories came flooding back to me, that's right, she is the person I'm looking for, and I'm the Sestra she's finding.

"Biyu..." I called out to her. "Yes Big sister Camillia?" She responded. "Welcome home." I said. "Sestra!" She jumped and I hugged her in my arms.

Zhongli smiled and quietly walked off.

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