Like cutting open jade

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Before I even leave Liyue, I saw that same man again. His brown hair glowed and he felt it too.

"It's you." He said. "Xian sheng? Have we met? I've seen you before." I said. "No, we never met, but we've seen eachother." Zhongli replied.

"Really? I think I did." I said. "What's your name?" Zhongli asked. "Camillia. I come from Snezhnaya." I replied.

"Very well, I never knew." Zhongli said. "Did you somehow changed your appearence to hide from someone? You are way more different than what I saw last time." Zhongli said.

"Mm... probably." I replied. "We have the same hair colour and eyes, it does seem a bit concident." Zhongli pointed out.

I looked at myself and looked at him. "Wait, what?" I asked. "Are you the Geo Archon? Morax?" I asked. Zhongli turned his head and looked at you with a smile. "How did you know?" He asked.

"You granted me your powers to look like this didn't you?" I asked and Zhongli hummed in confirmation. "And only geo resonates with my appearance... does that mean only geo wielders can see me?" I asked.

"Yes." He nodded. "Since when have I become like this?" I asked myself.

"Probably since the day we saw eachother?"

"Wait, I'm immune to the cold in this form?" I said and laughed. "Of course! I'm invincible now!" I said happily. "Thank you Morax!" I ran off waving my hands back at him.

Morax smiled behind my back, and walked off.


The mountain that greeted me first was dragonspine. It looked so familiar, snowy paths and aggressive snowflakes. I'm "a bit" scared to even step into that place.

But it's either that, or a dragon's lair... I think it's Dvalin? The floor shook aggressively as a loud roar rang in a distance.

Dvalin flew by my head and disappeared in the clouds. I gulped and turned my head back to the mountains. "I think this one is the better option." I said to myself.

If I don't confront my own fear I will never meet the person I need to see. I took a deep breath and marched into the mountain.

Cheerful music played as I entered the city gates. It seemed way peaceful than what I have at home.

"Mr Albedo!" A shy voice rang behind me. Before I can turn around, the sound of resonance rang and a man with blonde olive hair crashed in me.

"Ugh..." I groaned. Surprisingly pain still exists even though they don't see me. "I apologise my lady, I didn't pay attention to where I was going." Albedo said.

"Your apparatuses..." I scratched my head. Both of us looked down the the floor covered in colourful substances and broken glass.

"It's my fault, I wasn't looking." Albedo said. "Mr Albedo?" Sucrose asked. "Yes Sucrose, I'll catch up with you later." Albedo replied.

"Are you free to follow me?" Albedo asked. I nodded and followed him. "So... Camillia, you say only geo resonates with you, creating your appreance infront of a geo holder, am I correct?" Albedo asked.

I nodded as I sat on the chair looking at him. "Fascinating." Albedo jotted down. "Mr Albedo, did you get enough sleep today?" Timaeus asked, seeing him talking to the air.

"I did, Timaeus. I'm talking to a person here." Albedo gave me a cup. Timaeus dropped his jaw when he saw a floating cup. "A GHOST?!" Timaeus gasped.

"No, watch this." Albedo stood up and walked far away from me. Without the Geo resonating, my physical form vanished and the cup fell to the floor.

"HUH???" Timaeus walked to the cup, right through my half transparent body. He bent down at my translucent body. "Don't move Timaeus, I wonder what happens if you gain your physical form now." Albedo said.

"What physical form?" Before Timaeus can get an answer, Albedo walked close to me and the geo resonated again. "Oww! Something trapped my head! I can't breathe!!" Timaeus screamed and struggled.

"Oww! Don't move!! My stomach!! You're ripping out my stomach!!" I yelled at the man that cannot see or hear me. "Timaeus! Freeze!" Albedo said instantly he was shocked at the result.

Albedo walked away from me and I regained my translucency once again. Freeing Timaeus' head and my guts. "That's scary." Albedo said.

"WHAT.WAS.THAT?" Timaeus asked, looking at my direction. "A girl I found at the city gates, apparently, only I can see her." Albedo said.

"I think- you're seeing a ghost..." Timaeus' voice dropped into a whisper. "It's not a ghost Timaeus, it's a... elemental... creature some sort?" Albedo said with uncertainty.

"I guess that's what I am now after obtaining the Rex Lapis' power." I said. "Hmm, so it's Rex Lapis that made you like this..." Albedo rubbed his chin.

"Wait, you tell me, she met the Geo Archon?!" Timaeus asked. "Can you go and help Sucrose for a while? I have some matters on hand." Albedo said.

"Uh... sure Mr Albedo." Timaeus hurried off. "Do you mind if I carry out some experiments on you?" Albedo asked.

"Sure, just make sure it's safe I guess." I said as he went around me to get his apparatuses. "You don't dissect me right?" I asked.

"I won't." Albedo said and took out his blade. "LIAR!!!" I ran off with him chasing behind. "Wait! Come back! I'm trying to test something!!" Albedo chased behind.

"Test how many pieces I can be cut into?! Hell nah!" I screamed. Albedo tackled me and squished me on the floor.

"Calm down! I'm trying to get a sample from you." Albedo said. "Okay... don't dissect me." I whispered.

Albedo slits my arm with his sword and I flinched in unspeakable pain. "You feel pain too?" Albedo asked. "Well of course!" I said.

Albedo looked at the wound at my arm and tilted his head in confusion. "You don't bleed like normal human. Instead it's like... white and shiny?" Albedo asked.

"I am not like average humans now, after I got the Geo Archon's power." I said. "It feels like cutting open... jade." Albedo said. "Yeah, and how do I recover now?" I asked.

"I'll go and get my clip board, you stay here while I go get... cement, maybe." Albedo said and walked off.

My body became translucent again as he went to the table ahead. Surprisingly the stinging pain started to disappear. When Albedo returned, the cut was gone.

"Hmm... fascinating." Albedo said when he saw the recovered cut. "I wonder if it resonates with other Geo sources."

He walked off to the table and took out a Geo slime from no where. He extracted some condensation from it and inserts it into a test tube.

"Sucrose!" Albedo called. "Yes Mr Albedo?" Sucrose asked from afar." Help me for a while!" Albedo said.

Sucrose's rushed paces reached us and looked at Albedo for the next instruction. Albedo gave her the test tube in his hands, where she instantly memorised what it was.

"Geo slime secretion? What are you going to do with this Mr Albedo?" Sucrose asked. Albedo took a step back and left me translucent again.

"Raise the test tube Sucrose." Albedo said. Sucrose raised the test tube up her shoulder level and it glowed, making me appear again.

Albedo looked at me, glowing, transparent, glowing, transparent as the test tube gets close, parts away, gets close and parts away.

The wind brushed at us and a speckle of dust flew in my nose. Immediately I sneezed and knocked the slime secretion over, staining on Sucrose's cheek.

Sucrose, with geo element on her saw me standing there and exclaimed in surprise. She dropped the secretion on the ground and looked at me with shock.

"Since when are you here Miss?" Sucrose asked. "I'm here from the start." I replied. "But I'm a bit different as only geo resonates with me." I held out my hand to get her up from the floor.

"What if the person you want to find, isn't a geo person?" Albedo asked. "Then... I'll never finish my duty." I replied. "Hmm... understood. Feel free to walk around Mondstadt." Albedo said before letting you go.

CamilliaWhere stories live. Discover now