Night in the theatre

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Pierro was asleep on the couch, when I saw him again. His half masked face made me want to uncover it so bad, but my hands only went through it.

Capitano, asleep on the otherside. In which I wonder how does he breathe through a pur black fabric, how does his vision even look like?

Dottore was leaning on his palms, tilting off his mask on the lab table with apparatuses and reports. I tried to hit his head for his attempt on using me as a lab rat. Thankfully, I'm half transparent, I don't want to wake this madman up.

Walking further as Columbina laid on the floor, elegantly and prettily. I stood beside her and hummed the song she sang for me last time.

Beside her was Arlecchino, her back of the right palm, rested on her forehead with her left leg folded. I knelt down and played with a little keychain of an ash blonde man with purple eyes, wearing a top hat.

Proceeding further was an armchair, Pulcinella was resting on it, snoring the loudest. I took a close look at his nose and slapped it. His abrupt movement startled me as I thought he's waking up.

Sandrone, sleeping on her puppet's palm. I knocked on the big guy and looked at her. "How did you even control this big guy anyway?" I asked, knowing that she can't hear to reply me.

Pantalone, behind the documents as I played with his scale on the table. As much as I wanted, I can no longer make the scale sway up and down.

At last, I came to Childe, who was asleep on a pillow. He had a knitted blanket on his body. Motherly love was radiating from it.

Tears flowed down, I'm so jealous, I can never have the mother love anymore, her death was too sudden to leave anything for me.

Falling droplets fell on his pants as he twitched in sensation. Something glowing hanging on my right boot. The Geo vision, when I recalled my memories talking with Morax, I can no long conceal the tears of mixed feeling.

I dashed out of the door and stepped into the snow. Gentle snowflakes comforting me, like the Tsaritsa telling me: "It's okay, it's finally over."

I knelt in the snow, I can feel the coldness and softness of the snow. "I've finally regained my form!" I exclaimed in the lonely snows, desperately sharing the news to people, even though no one was there to listen.

Before I can be happy for more than a second, the feeling of snow landing on my face, the coldness underneath my knees disappeared again. The Geo vision stopped glowing, my smile froze like my surroundings.

I laughed again. "How naive, I'm already dead." I shook my head. I stood up on my legs and proceeded further. Until I reached the theater, brought back many memories, and tears in my eyes.

The images of our family happy moments passed by my side as I walked towards the entrance laughters and giggles of the past echoed in my mind.

I walked past the guard that cannot see me. He's probably the son of the guard I used to know. I went through the door and walked into the deep and dark theater.

I found the perfect place to see the stage and sat down. I looked at the stage emptily. I never got to sit here all my life, I've sat at the back rows behind the tall figures.

I've been tried to peek through the slots between people to see my favourite dancer and finally, no one was here to block me... but what for? It's just me and myself, the stage was empty, the speakers were quiet, the curtains are pulled to the side and the lights are off.

As a child, my biggest dream was to perform here. I stood up from the seat and went towards the stage. Even if I get to fulfill it now, what's the point? I looked down into the empty audience.


A voice rang in my head.


Another said.

Quietly, I heard a familiar tune in my head. It sounded so familiar, it brought me back to the times where Dad, Mom and a unfamiliar girl playing for me to dance to.

"Sestra will be a great dancer one day!"

Pitter patter on tears fell on the wooden stage floor as I moved my body to the music in mind. I'm so sorry, strange voice, I just can't ring a bell on who you are no matter how hard I tried.

The sentimental music was on it's peak as my emotions swayed like the boat in the storm. I'm all alone, no one to realise. The movements of my feet moved around naturally.

Until, it slowly quiets down. I finally had a peek at the audience. The quiet and dark audience seat had 7 glowing lights.

The one in the middle was Morax. His light was the brightest, resonated with my vision. One on stage, one in the audience.

"Thank you, Buer." Morax said to Lesser Lord Kusanali, who had her powers in work like glowing green lights. "It's nothing, I've returned the memories to her." Kusanali said and looked at me. She gave me the sweetest dream I can ever have.

"What about me?" Venti asked. "I composed her feelings into a melody." He pouted. "You're doing great too." Tsaritsa said with a slight smile she turned to me and smiled. "I'm proud to have a Snezhnayan like you." She told me.

"It may seem powerless, but the true intention, was astonishing." Murata crossed her arms. "No power of war and merely surpass a pure dream." Murata peeked at me.

"True eternity, of enjoyment." Ei closed her eyes for a moment of thought. "I'm impressed." Ei added, hoping to not hurt my feelings for saying something so short.

I bit my lips as I was about to fall on my knees and cry because the 7 archons came just to fulfill my lowly dream. "Ah, ah, a good performer must end nicely, now please give us a good curtsy." Focalors opened her mouth.

I bursted into a whimper of cry and curtsied deeply. "Thank you..." I squeezed out from my mouth. "It's nothing, Morax invited us here." Venti laughed. Zhongli stayed quiet as he looked at the floor.

"Please, be happy again." Kusanali said to me. "I will..." I promised her.

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