The one and Oni

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Even though Albedo told me that, I left Mondstadt a few days later. I just couldn't find the person I wanted to find there, maybe I should try my luck at somewhere else.


"Come on boys, we're taking down that onikabuto!" Itto pointed at the voilet insect, crawling on the tree bark.

"Steady... steady... NOW!" Itto screamed. The onikabuto was startled and flew away. "After it!!" Itto screamed.

They ran after the flying onikabuto, waving their nets at it. The sound of geo resonance chimed again, the onikabuto landed on my head.


They asked in chorus seeing the mysteriously levitating bug. The onikabuto trailed down to my face as I saw its legs close up.

"AAAAGHHH!!! GET IT OFF!!!" I screamed and swooped the onikabuto away. Thet landed the net on my head whe the onikabuto fell in the bushes and escaped. "Ahh Dang!!!" Itto swung his arms in disappointment.

"Mmph!" Muffled voice came out from the net. "Eh? We caught air?" Akira said. "It's moving!" Mamoru gasped. "Hey! That's a person not an onikabuto!" Itto said and took the net off my head.

"What person?" They asked. "Are you hurt?" Itto asked. "I'm good! I'm good!" You said in a panick, praying for your life to not anger the big guy before you.

"You don't look like local, where are you from? And... aren't you feeling cooked wearing thick clothes like that?" Itto flooded you with questions.

"Uh... I'm a traveller, from Snezhnaya." You raised both of your thumb hoping that he'll stop bombarding you with questions.

"Traveller? Like the Traveller?!" Itto gasped.

"What's your rank in the adventurer's guild?"

"How many regions did you went to?"

"Did you fight any dragons and monsters like the almighty traveller?"

"Do you like beans?"

"Uh... Kuki... I think boss is nuts." Akira said. "He's been talking to the air for a few moments now." Mamoru added. "I think... he is." Kuki replied.

They stood beside Itto as he talked to the person they can't see.

"I... am not the traveller, traveller, from the adventurer's guild. I am just a traveller, that's is not THAT traveller. Where that traveller fought many dragons. And... I hate beans. Ugh, just call me Camillia." You replied, like a tounge twister.

"NO WAY! YOU HATE BEANS?!" Itto asked. "I- Yeah, I'm allergic to them, I always got made fun because it's a delicacy but yeah! I don't like beans." I replied.

"I finally found someone that's in my shoes!" Itto spun with you like two bestfriend meeting again. "Uhm... you're allergic to beans too?" I asked. "Of course! Ugh, this world just can't seem to live without beans though." Itto planted his hands at his hips.

"I'm allergic to beans, except the yellow ones though, they're my favourite."


My words replayed in his head. The type of beans HE'S afraid the most was MY favourite bean. "What- I- I thought I met someone that knows me..." Itto sighed.

"I'm just joking." I said. "It's the other way around, I thought I should joke a bit for a better impression." I replied. "Did I take it too far?" I asked. "No, I'm good." Itto replied. "Nice to meet you I'm-"

"Itto isn't it?" I asked. "A-HAH! SEE? I'M SO POPULAR UNTIL OUTSIDERS HAVE HEARD ABOUT ME." Itto laughed.

"I happened to pass by the bulletin board, and saw you being wanted." I replied and broke his confidence.

"Boss, are you sure you're alright?!" Akira snapped their conversation. The trio had retreated away from him, and now they are asking him by screaming on top of their lungs.

"I'm fine! I'm fine!" Itto replied. "Boss! Are you done!? My hands are getting sore from the groceries!" Kuki asked. "Ah dang! Why didn't you tell me about that?" Itto asked.

Itto ran up to join the trio. "Meet Camillia." Itto pointed beside him. "Who?" Akira asked. "Camillia!" Itto replied. "Kamera?" Mamoru asked. "Ca-"

"Who exactly are you talking about boss, there is no one else other than the 4 of us." Kuku said. "Just leave it Itto, they can't-"

The sound of things dropping to the floor broke the conversation. "Ah, the bags broke." Kuki frowned. "I told you to not waste time here- huh?" Kuki asked in confusion as the groceries floated in the air.

I was helping her to pick up the potatoes, wiping it with my dress to get rid of the dirt. "Oh my... Thanks little spirit?" Kuki asked.

I saw a packet of sugar lying on the floor as I lifted the tray of eggs. My limbs went cold, dropping everything I have in my hands even though it shouldn't be dropped. Nothing matters now, I want to hide from it.

"Hey! The eggs..." Kuki was too late to catch it from falling. The eggs splattered, none of it survived from the fall. The shells shattered like glass and the insides splattered out, mixed together.

My legs are tangled, fell on my back and reversed away from it in fear. "TAKE IT AWAY!" I screamed. "Huh? Why? It's just a packet of sugar." Itto scratched his head.

"It's that thing, that thing that broke my family apart! Please... take it away..." I muttered as I hid in my knees. "Uh... ok." Itto took the packet if sugar away.

"Hey, are you really-" "DON'T TOUCH ME!" I screamed and stunned Itto in place. "Uh... is there anything wrong?" Itto asked carefully.

I paused, my senses are coming back to me. "Itto... I'm so sorry..." I stood up. "No no, I'm good. Are you?" Itto asked carefully. "Is something wrong?" Itto asked.

"Boss, is it that girl talking with you again?" Kuki asked, this time coming close after seeing the floating groceries.

"Are you okay Camillia?" Kuki tried to look at me. "Do you... perhaps want to talk about it?" Kuki asked.


I sat by the camp fire with the Arataki gang. "Boss! We've picked some lavender melon!" Akira said, returning with Mamoru. "Great, uh... please, take out the seeds... here." Itto pushed them far away to the point that they can't hear.

"Boss might be a goof head at times, but when it comes with people, he is a good person." Kuki looked at them before turning back to me.

Without Geo's presence, I was half transparent. Despite my state, I was relieved to hear how he actually is.

"There, I distracted them away." Itto came back. His Geo vision resonated with me and I regained my form again.

"Thank you Itto." I smiled. "Nah, it's just something simple." Itto laughed.


Through Itto's message passing, Kuki understood me more. Both listened carefully as I told them my story.

Itto was constantly distracting them with other works just so I am comfortable to talk.

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