Chapter One

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The music seemed to thrum through me as a laugh bubbled free while I watched my two best friends flail about, though they called it dancing, until they ended up on the ground in a tangle of limbs as groans of pain filled the air right after.

Something I had been expecting to happen since they started.

"Don't just stand there watching," shouted Jason as he wiggled trying to get free of Jared's legs that seemed to have him trapped. "Help us!"

"You were the two acting like idiots," muttered Angelica from the side as she ambled forward to hand me another cup of 'liquid courage' as we called it. "I honestly think both of you had too much of the courage shots."

I honestly was not sure what all was in the drink, but Lila had named it that when she created the drink and it had been a huge hit at parties.

Though right now it was only the five of us.

We had just recently graduated from Yale University in New Haven and had decided to celebrate at the house we had all rented together since it would be here soon that we would go our own ways.

Cheaper that way then getting a dorm as well, that being the main reason we rented together.

"Time to play a game," shouted Lila as she stumbled forward with a giggle as Jason and Jared finally freed themselves, "and none of you bitches can back out!"

Should have known she would not have made it easy on any of us.

Angelica and I shared a look as Jared groaned while Jason just laughed and moved closer towards his girlfriend who was still grinning at us.

The guy was truly whipped.

"Something tells me we're going to end up blackout drunk," I whispered to Angelica who only nodded with a frown. "Better get the water bottles and the tylenol ready now."

~ Time Skip ~

I came to feeling almost left-footed as I swayed in place while trying to blink the black spots from my vision.

Only to wish I had not as I got a good look at what my mind cooked up for me in my nightmares.

"Holy shit," I whimpered staring at the Being, it did not even look close to human, even if it did seem to have a humanoid form, which was watching me. "Please don't fucking eat me, you might end up as drunk as I am."

"How amusing," hissed the Being with a deep chuckle that honestly reminded me of how Venom talked in the movie. "I have no wish to eat you, Human."

"That's reassuring," I choked out as it seemed to move forward limbs moving with a cracking noise that made a shudder race down my spine. "My mind is a fucking trip..."

Like did I hate myself to produce this?!

"You're not dreaming," hissed the Being again making my attention snap back toward Them once more. "The world has been becoming boring over the eons I have been here. I want you to quell that boredom."

Oh, would you look at that...

I have gained a Being's attention...

Ignore me as I go cry in a fucking corner.

"Not that I don't appreciate the belief in my ability to quell boredom," I began with a nervous laugh while leaning back as the Being leaned forward. "But uh, yeah, I got nothing...."

"I know you, Human," breathed out the Being making me think if I could cry anime tears, they would be streaming down my face at this point. "You find boredom and monotone in your everyday life. In exchange for amusing me, I have a deal for you."

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