Chapter Sixteen

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There was a lot that needed to be discussed, to the point I did not know exactly where to start when I did find Laxus, but that didn't mean I would put it off.

Not when this talk had to happen for us to move forward.

Though I was lucky that he had not attacked during the Fantasia parade.

But thinking about it reminded me of everything that had happened differently since I had arrived in this world. Meaning I should have expected changes due to the butterfly effect.

"Laxus," I called out after finding him upstairs and in his office that Makarov had set up for him after he made S-class. "I've been looking for you."

From the look he was giving me, he had been expecting that.

"You know," began Laxus once I had walked further into his office and shut the door behind me, hearing the lock slide into place was only a bit surprising, "part of me hated Gramps after he kicked my father out of the guild. But now, looking back, I can understand why he had."

This was not a topic that I had thought he would ever be comfortable talking about.

"He wasn't ever really a father to me, how could he be when he all but abused me. If that wasn't enough, I should have realized the truth when he forced the dragon lacrima onto me."

Laxus had been a teenager when his father forced that lacrima onto him, Ivan had used his health as the reason for doing so when the truth was, he had done it for himself.

Truly, I could not stand Ivan Dreyar.

"I just couldn't see it though, or more like I refused to see the truth, and I was so fucking angry over how everyone saw the guild as weak. I wanted to help it grow stronger, so I had planned to overtake the guild during the Fantasia Parade with the Thunder Legions help."

Well, I had not expected him to admit that to me.

"Why didn't you?" I could not help but ask the one question that has been stuck in my head since the day had gone off without a hitch. "What stopped you?"

Because with how he had everything planned few could have stopped him.

Especially as not even Makarov had suspected anything.

"You did," answered Laxus making me blink in surprise at that answer. "Finding you, and realizing who you were to me, helped me accept the lacrima and instincts it gave me."

Meaning my theory on the lacrima causing him to be unstable to be the truth.

"Being with you, and actually watching the guild members, helped me realize that I was going about it all wrong. I think in truth I need to do some real soul searching."

Because even with that knowledge it would be hard to let go of his anger.

Habits die hard.

"Will you be taking a long S-class job?" I questioned next as he was leading up to something, and that something had to do with him stepping away for a bit.

Mainly so he had the chance to truly find himself and deal with all the emotions inside him.

Which was one thing I could get behind as I knew it'd help him in the end.

"Yes," answered Laxus with a small chuckle before he gained to his feet and walked over to where I stood near the door. "That doesn't mean I won't come straight back if you or the guild needs me, especially if it's because another guild tries something."

Well, that was good to know.

"Don't forget to check in with us as well," I warned while looking up as he stopped directly in front of me. "We'll be here, waiting for you."

Because he had many who cared deeply for him.

"It's a promise," agreed Laxus before he reached out to cup my face before shifting his hands to my waist and picking me up causing a yelp to leave me while I wrapped my arms around his shoulders. "Don't worry, I've got you."

Now I really wanted to hit him.

"You complete," that was as far as I was able to get in my move to yell at the big oaf as his lips covered my own.

He kissed me like he was trying to devour me.

"I don't think you really understand just what you mean to me," breathed out Laxus as he pulled back allowing me to breathe while he rested his forehead against mine. "You're my foundation, Levy. Without you in my life, I'd crumble as it's thanks to you that I began to realize my mistakes and wanted to be a better person."

There were no words that I could offer at that moment as I listened to his heartfelt confession.

Because I could tell he meant every word he said.

It did not seem he was expecting a response as he pulled me into another kiss before setting me back down onto my feet. Then, before I could say anything, there was knocking on the door behind us which broke the moment.

Laxus only shot me a knowing look and smile as he went to open the door.

It was like the man did not even realize he had all but ripped the rug out from under me with that confession. Because I had been aware he had some feelings for me, how could I not with his actions in the past, but not that he had come to genuinely love me.

There was a lot that I would need to think on while he was gone on his job.

"There you are," called out Gajeel the moment I made my way back downstairs as he ambled forward and grabbed my hand. "I've found a good job for us to take, it's a simple one in dealing with a band of thieves."

Part of me was still stuck on my conversation with Laxus, and I could not help how my lips still tingled as his taste remained in my mouth, even as I looked over the job Gajeel picked for us.

Though part of me wondered if the reason Laxus was taking the job was for canon to somehow remain intact as he was supposed to be kicked out of the guild today.

Damn, the big oaf has truly left me all mixed up it seemed.

"Let's go," I finally got out as I noticed Gajeel watching me with a raised eyebrow. "We should pack for two weeks at least considering the distance the job is to Magnolia."

Especially since I knew the others would not want to use trains if at all possible.

Not that I could not ask Nick to teleport us to the closest town to the job.

"Sure," agreed Gajeel with a smirk as we headed for the doors of the guild. "I'll meet you at your place in an hour then."

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