Chapter Three

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My mind kept focusing on one thing, and one thing only, which was that while it was nice having this apartment in Hargeon.

I would have preferred to be in Magnolia since I was petty enough to want to be a member before Lucy. Though that was just my inner wants speaking.

It was weird enough to know I had erased Levy McGarden from existence.

Which also made me feel a bit guilty when thinking about it.

She had played an important part as more than just Lucy's future best female friend.

Something I had erased by erasing her and taking her place.

'That can be easily fixed,' mused Kronos making me freeze as time seem to still and everything blurred around me. 'This will be the last you will hear of me for a while, little one. So, consider this my last gift to you for the time being.'

"What the hell?" I asked noticing the whole room had changed and shifted along with what was outside. "Well, I hadn't been expecting this..."

'You now have a cabin house in the woods of Magnolia near Fairy Tail,' answered Kronos amusement clear in His voice. 'Take care little one.'

His voice faded after that leaving silence that left me feeling a bit lost and scared even as I shook it off to explore the new home given to me.

It was only with a bit of hesitation that I headed for the front door while sweeping my eyes over each part of the house. It was surprising just how large the inside of the place was.

Seemed that Kronos had gone all out.

"You've got to be joking," I choked out once I had walked out the front door. "He made my house look like one of the Hobbit homes!"

The truth was that I had always found the Hobbit homes shown in the movies to be beautiful.

There was also the fact that I had adored the decorative doors leading into said homes.

Walking back inside allowed me to realize that off to the right dipped further down into the ground was a living room/library area.

In there was a fireplace that could fit at least two grown men inside with a large black couch that had a red blanket thrown over it along with two pillows in a dark grey.

On either side of the couch, and facing the fireplace, were two wing-backed armchairs in the same black color with a red pillow set in place.

This left space between the fireplace and the couch and armchairs for a round glass coffee table with a black metal base and a pure white fur rug set underneath it.

Behind the couch, and along the back wall on the right, were floor to ceiling bookshelves chalked full of books before leading down a lit hallway that I would go check out in a minute.

On the left side closest to me was a black marble, with silver and gold accent, dining table with eight matching chairs. Set in the middle of the dining table was a gold vase holding stunning blue and red stargazer lilies.

I happened to look up and see a stunning ceiling fan made of white oak wood, which had silver and gold vines carved into the wood, while the fan was designed like large leaves.

It also pointed out that the floors were in chestnut oak wood while the walls were in a lighter tone to match. Something well done enough to not give off the feeling of being plain.

"Holy shit..."

The kitchen was a dream come true with an island in the middle as all the cabinets were done in a light silver white with black marble countertops matching the dining table.

The whole kitchen was large and would be considered top notch for any chef with a large fridge and even a larger pantry filled with food.

With a shaky breath I backed away before heading down the hallway near the den area to find a medium sized guest room, a bathroom, and near the end a laundry room large enough for a folding table and a shelf full of laundry detergents and such.

"Now time for upstairs."

How there was an upstairs I was not sure.

But sometimes anime logic went by its own merits and rules.

The upper part was done in a large open loft style that looked down upon the bottom floor.

Against the far wall was a fourposter king sized silver canopy bed made of white oak wood with golden star-like designs painted upon the wood.

It was covered with deep silver sheets and a gold comforter with four matching pillows placed at the head of the bed. There also seemed to be matching nightstands placed on either side of the bed done in the same white wood and design.

With two lamps that reminded me of the sun and moon from how they were designed placed atop the said nightstands. Something which I approved of.

At the end of the bed was a large black fur rug that reached halfway to where the banister overlooking the bottom floor was. On the right was two doors with a tall dresser set between them, leading to the bathroom and closet.

Leaving the left side wall which held a large white and gold vanity set that any woman would kill for and then two more bookshelves with a desk set between them.

The ceiling fan was more like a chandelier that was supposed to represent the stars which took my breath away and could not be put into words with how stunning it was.

Truly, this whole room was a dream come true.

Kronos had outdone Himself here.

"Well, I've been through a shit ton already so might as well call it a night. Hopefully tomorrow I can join the guild without trouble. Though it does remind me that the books Kronos had given me seemed to be placed on the desk along with the money pouch."

I could even see that the duffel bag was also placed onto the large chest like trunk set at the end of the bed. Meaning I would have to go through it at some point.

Though keeping a packed bag of clothes and such would be smart when I start taking jobs.

Especially since said jobs could take weeks or months to complete.

The bathroom was just as large having a walk-in shower, set into the floor was a deep-set Jacuzzi tub easily able to hold three or so people, and with his and her styled sinks with it all done in matte black with gold and silver accents.

Honestly, it felt like this house was designed for more than just me in mind considering how small I was along with only being fifteen at the moment.

Kronos was playing at something...

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