Chapter Eleven

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~ Laxus P.O.V. ~

It angered the dragon inside him to know that we had to share our mate with another who knew and still hurt her. Would leave her hanging from a fucking tree, wounded, for all to see.

She deserved better, and if he would not realize that on his own then Laxus would help him learn.

A wide feral grin pulled his lips back away from his teeth as his fist hit the ground inches away from Gajeel's face.

This fool would learn to regret hurting their mate.

Well, if he had any brain cells to do even that much. It was something that he did not think the fool did but would still give him the benefit of doubt on.

"You're full of shit," snarled Gajeel as he twisted and slid to his feet even as his body twitched from the aftershock of the electric charge. "Maybe all that lightning has twisted that small brain of yours..."

Laxus did not bother to allow him to finish that sentence as he began to throw hit after hit filled with his lightning. He would not stop until this fucker learned to not lay a hand onto their mate in anything but adoration and worship.

Even if that meant he had to put the fool in a crater or two.

"You marked our mate and beat her until she was unconscious before hanging her to a tree for all to see," roared Laxus as his temper, always so close to the surface, snapped. "What kind of dragon slayer are you, when you can do something like that?!"

His words seemed to hurt more than his attacks did as Gajeel flinched back before collapsing to the ground. Laxus went to move closer only to stop as Natsu came barreling over to where he stood with wide eyes filled with fear and rage.

Even then he had not wanted to stop.

"Gramps got ambushed," choked out Natsu through his teeth as he barely spared Gajeel a glance. "We're retreating for now."

"Tsk," grunted Laxus before landing one last solid and hard hit to Gajeel's temple to knock him out, he did not even try to defend himself. "Let's go."

~ Levy's P.O.V. ~

A large part of me could not help but worry as Jet and Droy kept me company while the rest of our Guild went to Phantom Lord for revenge.

I could not even think on the fact that I had forgotten to mention or warn about the attack on Gramps, waking up as I had and then dealing with Laxus had not left me with much time.

It felt like an excuse though it was the truth.

"Levy," breathed out Mira as she returned from her silent vigil at the front doors making me realize that the others were returning. "How are you feeling?"

I did not get a chance to answer before a new set of flurry actions happened when Erza brought in a comatose Gramps who looked all but green around the gills as he was set into a bed near me.

I knew they would call the old lady from the forest to help him, but my mind could not help but focus on what could have happened between Laxus and Gajeel.

There was also the fact that I was worried about Lucy as well.

"Laxus," I breathed out softly as I was released from the bed in the infirmary not even surprised that he was waiting for me outside the guild. "You're alright."

Thankfully, Lucy had stopped by my place earlier in the day for a change of clothes for me.

"He couldn't even touch me," scoffed Laxus before smirking as he moved to my side while tossing his arm around my shoulders, which a part of me thought would look funny considering our height differences. "But don't worry, I didn't forget my promise to you."

It also reminded me of how honest he had been concerning the dragon slayer lacrima that had been forced onto him by his father. A part of me had to wonder if it was because of the dragon piece inside that lacrima that made him be honest with me.

Or if it was something else.

"I'm a bit surprised," I began slowly as we left the guild behind us to head towards my house, or his considering he guided me down a different route. "Gramps isn't doing too good..."

"He has the whole fucking guild to pander to him," stated Laxus with a negligent wave of his hand before he was pulling me close. "Close your eyes."

While there was some hesitation to follow his orders, in the end I let my eyes fall close as his lightning gathered around us and pulled us from our spot near the edge of town and the forest to land right in front of what could only be his home.

The place was stunning.

"Wow," I breathed out in some shock as I let my eyes roam over the large two-story wood home that reminded me of something inside a fairy tale, ironic as well. "Your home is beautiful."

"Course it is," teased Laxus before chuckling as he pulled me forward and grabbing my hand to place right on the door. "Pulse your magic into the rune right here. This way you can come and go without me needing to be with you."

I was not even surprised that Freed had placed runes around Laxus' home.

But that did not mean I wasn't surprised that he was allowing me access to his home. It did give me hope that I could keep Laxus from attacking the guild during Fantasia.

We needed him, and he was changing.

"Right," I drawled out with a slight amused smile even as I let him lead me through his home and get my first true look of the place. "There seems to be a lot of bedrooms..."

There was also a sizable number of floor-to-ceiling windows.

But it let the large home feel more open on top of the fact the ceiling themselves were up higher than what you would think of as normal. But it really gave it that open feeling.

"I built this place back when my team stayed with me," offered Laxus with a light shrug as we settled into the large living room with a huge TV lacrima and large stereo system for his music collection taking up one whole wall. "Eventually though they moved out and got places of their own leaving their old rooms empty for the most part."

It sounded lonely.

"You're welcome to come stay with me if this place gets to be too much," I offered before biting back the large blush that wanted to cover my cheeks. "Well, as long as you promise to behave."

My answer amused him as he tossed his head back and laughed.

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