Chapter Nine

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So, it was harder to not think about that moment between Laxus and I then I had first realized making me wish to bash my head against the wall, repeatedly.

Because now I could not get the taste of lightning and coffee from my mouth and even catching the smell of coffee would trip me back to that moment.

Leviathan thought it was hilarious, the asshat.

"We should really go on more jobs together," chattered Jet as we returned to the guild after I had ended up agreeing to on a simple three-day one with Jet and Droy, who still ended up becoming a team known as Shadow Gear. "That was a lot of fun!"

He was not wrong.

Both males from Team Shadow Gear were not that bad to work with, and since it was only the two of them in the team, they had put more effort into training up their magic.

Males and their competitive sides.

Either way the job had been simple but fun.

"What the hell," grumbled Droy as we stopped outside the guild, or what was left of it considering all the large metal beams shoved through the roof and sides causing it to resemble a large pincushion. "Just what the heck happened?!"

I had not even realized that so much time had passed since Natsu had stopped by to talk to me about going with them to deal with Eisenwald.

After that it had been the stolen job, and because in the end, I had not seen why I should go with them to Galuna Island, considering they were just fine on their own, I hadn't gone with.

It also being another defining moment for their team, so I had instead taken a long S-class job not too long after Natsu had left my house.

Though that had not meant Natsu had been happy with me.

Then when I had gotten back, I had been set on by Jet and Droy about going on a job with them that last three days meaning I had not really had a time to play catch up until now.

But from what I knew here, soon Team Natsu would also be returning from that Galuna Island job to find the guild in ruins.

This was not going to be a fun day.

"Let's find Mira and see what's going on," I ordered as I moved forward to slowly make my way through the guild building, though I had also noticed how the room we used like an emergency room, when the Crazy Lady was called, was left untouched. "Seems to be more cosmetic damage than anything too serious."

It made me wonder if Gajeel had done it on purpose that way.

"Oh, good you three are alright," breathed out Mira the second she caught sight of us inside the main hall in the guild before motioning us to follow her to the basement. "Right now, we're using the basement. Thankfully while the Job Request Board took damage, I still had everything written up in the book, so we won't be stuck doing nothing until the building is rebuilt."

One thing great about our guild was that we never stayed down for long.

"Lev," called out Gramps the second he caught sight of us from where he had settled onto a barrel while a few members of the guild moved around him talking or looking at the offered jobs on the hurriedly put together board. "Glad to see you and the others are alright."

"It was an easy job," I offered in return with a slight negligent wave of my hand while noticing there weren't any S-class jobs placed up. "I'm guessing only Mira and you know what jobs are up for grabs for S-class."

"Right you are," cheered Gramps with a slight hiccup before nodding to Mira who appeared at his side with the large book. "You might want to stick around for a bit since it seems like dear old Phantom Lord is trying to pick a fight."

"Laxus and his team are still gone on the four S-class jobs he had snagged from the board a few weeks ago," continued Mira with a slight frown as she shook her head. "Though they have completed two of them already and are working on the third when I had last heard from them."

If there was one thing I did not want to currently think about, it was Laxus.

"What happened?" demanded Erza as Team Natsu stalked forward while Gray went off further into the basement towards Cana while Natsu, Happy, Lucy, and Erza stayed near Gramps and I for answers.

"Phantom Lord," muttered Mira with a slight scoff as her eyes narrowed. "They showed up after everyone had gone home for the night and after I had closed up for the night."

In truth, I tuned out the rehashing of what had happened as I decided to just head home for the night here soon after I looked over possible jobs to take once Phantom Lord was dealt with. Leviathan and the others were starting to feel cooped up.

Meaning I should take on harder jobs.

Especially since Lucifer had upped my training along with Nick collaborating with me concerning his Star Dress form where I gained the ability to use his fire ability to teleport.

Which was not as easy as I had first thought.

Leviathan had gotten a kick out of watching me face-plant on more than one occasion.

Mainly since they teleported differently, making it a work in progress.

~ Time Skip ~

At first Droy and Jet would not let me walk home later that evening alone now that we were aware of some type of vendetta Phantom Lord had against Fairy Tail.

This meant that I could not refuse when they offered to walk me home since I had already convinced Natsu and Happy to go with Gray and Erza to keep Lucy safe.

Just my luck that this was when Gajeel would want to attack.

"Jet," I began slowly as I became aware of Gajeel's presence above me as we got further away from Magnolia and closer to my house that was a bit out of the way. "I need you to take off and find Gramps, tell him that we need help."

Jet was going to refuse from the way he opened his mouth only to fall silent at the stern glance I sent back causing him to take off, only for Gajeel to catch him in the stomach and sending him flying into a tree behind me.

"Now that wasn't very nice," teased Gajeel with a wicked smirk only to freeze as the wind swept past me and cause my hair to fly into my face. "There ain't no way."

Whatever had caught his attention pissed him off, which gave me enough time to slip into Lucifer's Star Dress and take off toward him. It really showed how far I had come as I kept an even match with Gajeel, well up until he went for Droy.

That ended up with me taking a hit meant for the other which knocked the breath out of me and blinded me for a second too long. I would not be able to stop the next bit from happening as I dropped the Star Dress and tried to stay conscious while Droy cried out.

But it was too much, and the next time I was aware it would be inside the room set aside for hurt Fairy Tail members and a pissed off Laxus at my side.

Lucifer's Star Dress:

Lucifer's Star Dress:

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