Chapter 10

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"Thank you so much for warning me of my brother's indecent behavior" Steve uttered, you can feel the anger held back in his every word "I'm going to take matters in hand from now on."

Hiroki watched still surprised as Steve approached the younger one and easily grabbed him by the collar of his shirt to pull him inside the house and close the door behind him, he had come planning to break every part of the bad-born's body, but something tells the blond that whatever Steve will do to him, it will be worse than he had anticipated.

And he wasn't entirely wrong, Steve lifted his brother up holding him by the neck, years of military service had forged in him a strong character with little tolerance for bullshit.

"I warned you, I told you I'd bring you here to fix your life, and you go and make the same damn mistakes as in America!" Steve vociferate, immediately shoving his brother into a nearby wall.

"I-I..." The latter tried to defend himself, his mouth bleeding from both Hiroki's blows and the last one delivered by Steve.

"You what?" the older one asked "I was clear, damn it, I was too clear with you, I tolerated you quitting school, I tolerated you spending your damn time doing nothing here, but I'm not going to tolerate you doing the exact same shit you do at home, I've had enough of you" A fist slammed into the younger one's belly making him fall to the ground on his knees vomiting what he had eaten earlier that day.

"Please... Mercy" Pleaded the younger boy through tears of fear and pain.

"If you'll have your damn mercy, you're leaving on the first flight to the US I can find" Steve said pulling out his phone ready to make some calls, he had used of many contacts to get his younger brother out of the US and bring him to Japan and that makes everything even more upsetting, so many favors wasted on an idiot.

"No, don't do it please, they'll kill me, you know they're looking for me" Shouted the younger one grabbing onto his older brother's legs.

"Maybe you had to think about that before you did the same shit here, how long before you also bother someone dangerous here and they want to kill you for doing the same thing?" He pushed his brother off him.

On his side, Hiroki had returned home where he threw himself again on the couch, a little more relaxed after having released some of his fury in the blows he provided to that idiot, there were still a lot of things to deal with, but for now he savored the pleasure he got from beating that asshole.

He also remembered the state of his hand with which he had hit him, the guy may not have had time to fight back, but Hiroki got scratches on his hand hitting him, so he cleaned his hand, used some disinfectant and bandaged it, while he did that the four girls remained silent in the room.

When Hiroki finally came back he looked at the four of them, there was still that issue... He wouldn't run away from it, it was his decision, but that doesn't mean he will do as if nothing happened.

"They say everyone deserves a second chance" Those words made hope blossom in them "I think it's not a right, that a second chance is earned, as far as I'm concerned all of you... Go to hell" And with that said the boy left to go back to his room.

Hope died as quickly as it came.

The days passed and things didn't get any better, Hiroki had taken the habit of ignoring his sister and mother with the exception of important things, the boy had the routine of coming home after high school and locking himself in his room, either to play his father's guitar or to study, sometimes he would come out to get some air.

There were no more words or smiles from the blond, just a distant coldness.

Kanako hated that, but she understood it and knew that she risked that by telling Hiroki everything, the guilt still kills her because after all telling him didn't make her disappear and now added to the guilt is the pain of seeing Hiroki go from being kind and attentive to cold and distant, no more idle chats, no more sibling game, if he deigned to look at her it was only to express displeasure with his eyes.

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