A Flame that Never goes Out

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"I found it!"

I shouted, triumphantly holding up the tie as I continued to rummage through the wardrobe. My clothes lay in a haphazard pile, and a jacket, along with a few dress shirts, tumbled to the floor at my feet. My mother let out a disappointed "tsk tsk" and promptly called for Hilda to clean up the mess. My bedroom looked as though it had been hit by a hurricane, a thought that made me chuckle as my mom began to fix my tie. The evening's reddish-orange rays streamed in through the floor-length glass windows.

"You look handsome now," she said, patting my face affectionately.

I took her hand in mine and responded in mock vanity, "I am always handsome."

Smiling, she replied, "That you are." Her hands gently traced the scar on my left eyebrow.

Is she also thinking about Kit? How it should have been him instead of me here, getting ready for the trials. Kit was always the better one.

As if reading my mind, mom began- " You have got this Alexie,"

Her tone turned more serious as she continued to offer advice. "Now, remember, thank the Master Scholar each time after he asks a question. And if you don't know something, don't try to guess. Apologize and say you don't know."

I nodded, somewhat impatient.

"Avoid the upward inflection. Dont raise your voice at the end of sentences. It will make you sound insecure."

That made me think of Dantes, how her every word is with conviction. Public speaking is her forte, so is teaching , so is writing, so is well this is Dantes we are talking about.

"Yes, Mom, we've been through all of this a dozen times."

"This is the first trial," she reminded me. "It's not just about showcasing your knowledge but also your rationality, practical wisdom, and humility."

"May the Weaver thread your luck", with those parting words, she opened a portal to the Senate building. I find myself in its front yard.

After a gentle knock, the heavy, ornate wooden door swung open, revealing the spacious and ornately decorated Senate Hearing Chamber was bathed in a soft, golden glow. Intricate tapestries adorned the walls, depicting significant events from the realm's history, and massive, age-old chandeliers hung from the high ceiling, casting a warm radiance over the chamber. Rows of polished wooden chairs were neatly arranged, facing the elevated dais at the front of the room. The dais was adorned with elegant chairs where the three Elder Senate members and the Premier sat.

As I entered the chamber, I was greeted by the Master Scholar, a distinguished figure in scholarly robes who stood at a lectern near the dais. His presence commanded respect, and me along with the rest of the candidates couldn't help but feel the weight of the occasion as we took our seats.

With a voice that resonated with authority, the Master Scholar began the proceedings. "The esteemed Premier, The Elder Senate and dear candidates, I welcome you to this momentous occasion. Today, we gather to witness the selection of the three candidates who will vie for the esteemed position of Elder Counsellor in our realm."

The Master Scholar then proceeded to introduce the three Elder Senate members and the Premier, who occupied the high-backed chairs on the dais.

After the introductions, the Master Scholar turned his attention to us and explained the rules of the interview.

"Candidates, you will each face a rigorous examination in the form of a series of questions. You must respond with clarity and thoughtfulness. You will be asked three questions, each from a distinct category: history, society, and philosophy. These questions will test your knowledge, understanding, and ability to think critically."

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