A Flask of Whisperleaf Tea

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The sun hung low on the horizon, casting long shadows across the training grounds as I faced off against Hunter Naomi Sierra. She was a formidable instructor known for her combat prowess, and today was another grueling lesson in physical combat for the Election trials. Dad has informed me that there would be hand to hand combat or obstacle courses to tackle without magic . He asked me to get trained as it was one of my weak areas. Although as a Commander I had training but according to my dad I relied on my magic too much.

I was already out of breath, beads of sweat trickling down my forehead.

Naomi circled me, her movements fluid and controlled. "Remember,Dantes, breath control is key. Inhale as you prepare, exhale on your strikes. It'll help you maintain focus and stamina."

I nodded, trying to regain control of my breath. It wasn't easy. My lungs felt like they were on fire from the intense workout we'd been through. We sparred, trading blows, and I followed her instructions. Inhale, exhale. It helped me keep my rhythm.

Naomi's voice sliced through the air as she corrected my stance. "Your form is good, but don't overextend. Keep your balance centered, and use your core for stability."

I adjusted my stance, feeling the strain in my muscles as I moved. It was physically demanding, and my arms and legs were beginning to feel like jelly. My strikes were losing their precision.

Naomi continued to push me, her words sharp and encouraging. "Don't let exhaustion cloud your judgment. Stay sharp,Dantes. You're not done yet."

We sparred on, each exchange pushing me further beyond my limits. My breaths grew ragged, and my body ached with fatigue. I focused on Naomi's voice, trying to block out the pain.

"Good,Dantes. You're getting better," Naomi said as we finally halted our spar. "But remember, combat is as much about endurance as it is about skill. Train hard, and you'll improve. Rest now, you've earned it."

I dropped to the ground, gasping for breath, grateful for the respite.

Naf commented, "Well, that was exhausting to watch."

Sru handed me a bottle of water, and I gratefully took a sip.

Naf teased me, "Now are you ready to summon a God?"

I huffed, out of breath, and managed to respond, "Energy. No."

Sru laughed, "I told you that you would be tired after this. Let's do it tomorrow."

"Then I am going; I have some assignments to value." Naf turned to leave

A shadow fell over us, and I turned to see Alex approaching with a flask. My eyes widened in surprise.

Alex greeted me with his usual lazy smile. "Good workout, Dantes?" he quipped.

Struggling to catch my breath, I managed to reply, "Yes, Commander Raaha,"

Naf wasn't impressed by his presence, "You are what? Spying on her weak points?"

Alex chuckled at her. "No, I was doing my evening run, and I saw you guys," he explained, glancing at me.

I tried to telepathically urge him to go away, but my powers were not telepathy - a shock to no one.

Sru observed the entire exchange with amusement.

Alex changed the subject, offering me a flask of whisper leaf tea.

"It's good for relaxing and everything," he mentioned casually.

"Everything?", Naf raised one of her eyebrows

"Yes, for battling exhaustion, to re-energize. My mom made it with ginger and lemon, so it tastes better."

I took the flask from him mumbling a thank you.

We stood there in an awkward silence, and I silently wished for him to leave.

Finally, he said, "I'm gonna go?"

"Yeah,ok. Thank you," I gave him a quick wave, and he returned it awkwardly before finally walking away.

"Check if that is poison", Naf commented.

But I took a sip from the flask before she completed that sentence. It tasted really good– that awkward bitter taste of whisperleaf tea was gone, replaced by the tangy taste of lemon and ginger. There was a hint of sweetness from honey also. I took another sip and smiled.

"Ash, no. No," Naf stared at me.

I blinked in confusion. "What? He was just being kind, and I was being polite."

Naf gave me a sharp, unrelenting stare.

"I know how excited you get with random thoughtful acts of kindness. Do not, I repeat, do not feed them to your delusions."

I bristled at her words. "That... is a very rude thing to say to someone, Naf. It makes me feel like a dog running after a bone."

Her gaze didn't waver. "I think we're past the polite euphemism phase of friendship, and you do not need me to explain why I said or what I meant. You and him will always be rivals. He knows that, and you know that."

She pointed at my heart.

With that, she stormed off, leaving me to contemplate her words.

Sru's perceptive gaze bore into me.

"What?" I snapped, my annoyance slipping through.

She continued, unperturbed by my tone. "Alexander Raaha, he used to have quite the reputation, you remember? The vain bully, the irresponsible party boy, the shameless flirt, the lazy drunk and his pack of firewolves who would be the cause of the Raaha family's downfall. But then, one night, he changed."

"If you're going to say it was his crush on me that reformed him or some hopeless romantic transformation, I'm going to stop you right there. His twin died in front of him, Sru that's enough tragedy to.."

Sru shook her head, her expression softening.

"No, that's not what I'm saying. What I mean is that he's a man capable of reforming himself. He managed to make everyone around him, even those who had counted him out, to cheer for him during the Elder Senate election. It's easy to fall for a man like him—a perfect, imperfect person. So, don't beat yourself up over it. But– if there is something, I would ask you to keep it under wraps, at least for now. "

I couldn't bring myself to meet her eyes, my own betraying the emotions I had tried so hard to suppress.

She took the flask from my hands and took a sip, giving an appreciative hum to the flavor.

We both stood there in silence watching the day wind down.

"Also," Sru added with a teasing tone, "isn't he, like, thirty?"

"No," I retorted, pulling the flask from her hands,perhaps a bit too defensively, "he's twenty-seven."

Sru merely hummed in response, her expression saying more than words ever could—keeping track of age now, are we?

Feeling guilty, I took a huge gulp of the whisperleaf tea. Oh Sru, you have no idea.

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