A Pack of Firewolves in a Cabin

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After enduring what might be the most awkward interactions known to the entire realm of Aetheria, I made my way towards the Academy dorms. Nafaela Azrael, known for her formidable necromancy powers, had left quite an impression on me, resembling a figure straight out of a funeral parlor with her white hair and blood red eyes. Regardless of her powers, she was a force to be reckoned with. On the other hand, it was a breath of fresh air to see Sashelle Dantes in her natural environment, with her shields lowered down.

Upon entering the common hall on the ground floor, I located a hunter who could assist me in opening a portal to the staff dorm hall. Stepping through the portal, I arrived to find Tris, Tara, and Lukas patiently waiting for me.

"Hey, your mom told me that she left you a flask of tea for me?" Tris asked

"Yeah, well there is no more tea left," I replied nonchalantly, prompting Tris to toss a nearby book in my direction. Fortunately, his aim was off, and the book sailed past me without making contact.

"I had asked her to make it specially for me with ginger, honey and lemon", Tristan mourned his whisper leaf tea.

Lukas and Tara burst into laughter as I excused myself to freshen up. When I returned, we gathered to open a portal to Shadowvale, the place where it all had begun.

The portal opened, revealing the familiar cabin nestled at the border of Shadowvale. The wooden structure, though somewhat shabby, had a quaint charm to it.

Through the cabin's windows, I could catch glimpses of the Sylvanwood forests stretching out into the horizon, their dense foliage creating a natural barrier between Shadowvale and the outside world. Moon light filtered through the trees.

Tara took a seat near the cozy hearth, where Tris had started a fire using the match .The fire crackled to life, casting a warm and inviting glow across the room.

Tris continued to poke and prod at the fire, his fiery display both mesmerizing and comforting. Lukas, on the other hand, looked utterly exhausted as he flopped down onto the sofa, his body visibly sagging with fatigue.

Taking in the familiar surroundings, I couldn't help but feel a sense of nostalgia wash over me. Despite the challenges and trials that lay ahead, being back in this cabin with my friends provided a moment of respite and a reminder of the journey we had shared together.

We didn't talk about anything. The only sounds that filled the cabin were the chorus of crickets and the rhythmic crackling of firewood in the hearth. Somewhere in the woods outside, a lone firewolf howled at the full moon, its mournful cry echoing through the night.

In that tranquil moment, far removed from the chaos of the election, Lark's relentless commands, and all the political nonsense that seemed to surround us, I broke the silence by recounting my latest task in the Bone Island.

"The fact that Stride can use magic even on Bone Island changes things for us," I concluded.

Tris furrowed his brow. "What about the bones we hoarded in this cabin to use against him? Are they all useless now?"

I considered his question for a moment. "I wouldn't say they're useless. They can still weaken him, and this cabin remains an unknown barrier to him."

Tara voiced her concerns next. "But we lack evidence to support our claims. It's not like we can openly attack an Elder; that's treason. Or are you planning a coup?"

"No. Not an open attack nor a coup.So far, we've tried playing it our way, but now we need to play by his rules—use his tactics against him," I replied.

Lukas chimed in, curious. "Would the evil mastermind care to explain?"

"Lark doesn't leave evidence of his crimes, even though he always has evidence to blackmail others. So, we frame him for a crime he didn't commit, but one he knows has happened—a crime he's preserved as evidence against us."

They listened intently, intrigued but cautious.

"But how do we carry out this plan? We're essentially his servants, and he can read minds," Tara pointed out.

"We won't carry it out ourselves. We'll leave that task to someone else, someone with a strong motive to uncover the truth. Someone who keeps their distance from Elder Lark and won't arouse suspicion," I explained.

Tara's eyes widened as she realized the implication.

"Who?" Lukas asked

But it was Tara who replied "Rhiannon Freeman's son,"

"Thalfrin Freeman," I confirmed, nodding.

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