Sunset Shimmer meets Izzy Moonbow

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After leaving the 'all' Earth pony town, it became clear to Sunset Shimmer the ponies were far from welcoming her with open hooves, or even a smile (Which was Pinkie Pie's department to be precise). Exhausted and hungry, Sunset Shimmer trekked through the woods along a narrow dirt path. She had no idea where to go, but the only direction she could count on was forward.

"Twilight Sparkle, what have you done?" Sunset Shimmer grumbled. "What's happened to the neighborhood? This is NOT the new and improved 'friendly' kingdom you described in your messages..."

The weary fiery unicorn had walked through the woods for the entire afternoon, since she was technically 'exiled' from the Earth pony village she appeared in. None of the Earth ponies even bothered to give her directions nor tell her where her current location was. When she asked how to get to Canterlot, or at least the nearest town where unicorns reside, they simply pointed their hooves in the direction of the woods... and that's about it. They don't even bother giving her a look of acknowledgement or nothing. Not the friendliest way to give a lost pony direction.

But the Earth ponies' rather bizarre resentment toward Sunset was the least of her concerns momentarily. She needed to find the nearest town, at least a place to sleep for the night. Or else she'll be spending nights sleeping under a tree praying it won't rain (Or worse).

The sun slowly disappeared over the horizon; the starry night sky draped across the land. Sunset Shimmer's hooves ached from the lengthy hike; her mane was messier than before. Twigs caught in her hair, split ends formed, and dark bags hung under her eyes. If she weren't still in her prime she got back, she'd definitely appeared older by now.

Suddenly, a growling sound broke the silence. Startled, Sunset Shimmer snapped her head in every random direction, every which-way. Her horn ignited in a glow, and she burst into random battle poses with her hooves at the ready.

"Who's there? Who are you?" Sunset asked frantically. "Stay back! I'm warning you! I'm armed and dangerous!"

However, the only creature that heeded the fiery unicorn's warnings were frightened animals who scurried away. Another awkward silence followed till the growling bellowed again, followed by a painful sensation... in Sunset Shimmer's stomach. The unicorn looked down, realizing it was only her stomach growling.

"Oh wow Sunset." She chuckled to herself. "Guess some pony skipped breakfast this morning... Oh wait, actually... I did have breakfast but..."

Slowly, Sunset reached into her saddlebags, and the unicorn searched through the contents for any rations she's packed. But much to her dismay, she discovered nothing aside from a sketchbook, a pen, a hat, a familiar geode necklace, a pair of binoculars, and a camera she brought to capture some memories. Groaning, she face-hoofed herself.

"Shoot! I didn't bring any snacks." Sunset muttered. "Then again, I wasn't planning on coming here for a camping trip to begin with..."

Another growl rumbled against her stomach, drawing Sunset's attention.

"I need something to eat and fast!"

She scoured around the woods, trying to find something the least bit edible. Some berry bushes... possibly a few Zap Apple Trees, anything she can eat. But she was once more dismayed to find nothing but grass, flowers, and a few 'questionable' mushrooms.

"Yeah... like I'm crazy enough to eat those!" Sunset rolled her eyes, moving on.

"Hey there! Ya hungry?"

A loud voice startled Sunset Shimmer into a karate fighting stance .Like the time she did in Equestria Girls – Legend of Everfree.

"AAAH!!!" Sunset screamed, hurling punches and kicks. "Who said that? Come out and face me like... like... whatever you are!"

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