Canterlogic Annual Show

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Inside the factory of Canterlogic, Sunset Shimmer continued to wear her disguise as she followed the rest of the visiting earth ponies, and Deputy Sprout, who was tasked with taking Sunny's cart of smoothies into the facility.

The deputy was just minding his business, when a little foal came galloping in front of him, startling him to a halt.

"Hey watch it!" The deputy barked to the foal.

"Take it easy, they're just kids," Sunset advised, still in her disguise.

"Welcome, everypony," A workpony greeted. "Got any questions about the Canterlogic factory? Happy to answer them."

Sunset was about to ask hers, when a stallion beat her. "Oh yeah! Where are the free smoothies?"

"Uh...I can't answer that one." The workpony sadly admitted.

In the meantime, Sunset Shimmer decided to have a look around at the interior complex of the factory. She was amazed at how much Equestrian technology has advanced since the last time she was here. Once upon a time, when magic was a norm, the pegasi were in charge of weather duties, the earth ponies would tend the land via farms as the backbones of society, and the unicorns would use their magics to do simple everyday tasks, while gifted unicorns, such as herself, would strive for betterment. However, it seems with the unicorns having lost their magics, the earth ponies are now in charge of advancing the lifestyles of ponies on a global level.

"Wow, how long have I been away?" Sunset asked herself, before she walked up to a whiteboard, with an array of mathematic equations and notes drawn, next to a diagram of some kind of technologic helmet, with a large antenna. "What kind of a helmet is this?" Sunset asked. "That thing on the top looks kinda like a...a horn? Could they be trying to replicate our telekinesis? Can they really do that?"

Turning to her left, Sunset was shocked to see a large robust computer, with a whole screen of data analysis, and a keyboard, next to conveyor belts, with robot arms.

"No way!" Sunset began to comment. "Computers? Robot arms? These things shouldn't be in Equestria! I've only seen these in the human world! Equestria's really catching up. What else could they come up with next?"

"You know what, Sprout?" A voice was heard, to which Sunset Shimmer turned to see it was none other than Sheriff Hitch, next to Sprout, and the critters following him. "I think I finally got through to Sunny."

Before another word could be said, the lights inside the building suddenly went dark. Then, several spotlights were turned on, drawing everypony's attentions in the room, to a large stage.

"It's the moment you've all been waiting for," A loud booming voice announced. "As the founder of Canterlogic, she's been keeping us safe and stylish for the last 20 moons," To further Sunset Shimmer's breathtaking awe, she was shocked to see a logo animated on a large black screen, on stage. "Please go wild for the one and only Phyllis Cloverleaf!"

With that, the said founder herself, Phyllis Cloverleaf, appeared on stage from the left, greeting the audience.

"Thank you!" Phyllis greeted. "Thank you! How are you? Thank you so much!"

In appearance, Phyllis is pale pink with a brighter yellow mane and tail and blue eyes. She wears bright pink glasses. Her cutie mark is a bar graph depicting rising stocks.

"We here at Canterlogic are so thrilled to create perfect products that protect ponies like you...from ponies like that!"

Phyllis pointed the audience's attention to a couple of posters, showing pegasus and unicorns as shadowy demons, antagonizing scared earth ponies, to which the audiences booed in disgust.

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