Unicorns and humans in Maretime Bay

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The earth ponies all screamed in terror as they galloped in random directions, determined to get away from Sunset Shimmer and Izzy Moonbow. They were even desperate to hide themselves out of sight, from pulling down curtains, closing shop, even diving into a manhole.

"Ooh, is everypony playing hide-and-seek?" Izzy asked, looking around at all the earth ponies running and hiding for their lives. "I see you!" Izzy called to a stallion.

"Argh! It's a unicorn!" The stallion galloped away. "There's two of them!" With that, he dived off a cliff, into the sea, with a big splash.

"Seriously?" Sunset asked.

"This can't be good." Hitch said with worry.

"Hey, what's going on?" Deputy Sprout asked, as he investigated what the commotion was about.

It didn't take long for him to find his answer, when he saw both Izzy and Sunset, with their horns being dead giveaways.

"Unicorn attack!" Deputy Sprout hollered, with him slamming his face into the door, out of blind fright.

Deputy Sprout regain his consciousness and took the opportunity to shatter a glass case, activating an alarm, as he continued to shout, "This is not a drill! I repeat, this is not a drill!" With that, Deputy Sprout sprinted into action, while his Deputy business did not make him run away.

Ahead, Hitch spotted a young foal, sitting on the ground, trying to make sense of all the madness. "A vulnerable young pony. Don't worry, guys. I'll be right back." With a display of great athleticism, Hitch pounced on the foal, "Got ya!" He said, rolling himself up and gave the foal to a random mare. "Your son is safe now, ma'am."

Hitch then galloped away to Sunny, Sunset, and Izzy. "This isn't my kid!" The mare called after him.

"You're welcome!" Hitch shouted back, as he continued to bark orders. "Everypony, stop! These unicorns never met any harm! They're on our side." Hitch reasoned but the earth ponies continued running and screaming.

Deputy Sprout continued to bark at his orders. "Man the Splat-a-pult! Activate the unicorn trap! Pick up that litter!" He said, pointing to a scrap, which a pony quickly complied.

In the meantime, Hitch, Sunset, and Sunny watched as tiles with red X's started to appear all around them, "Whoa, these ponies worked fast," Sunset commented.

"And you've been a unicorn this whole time?" Sunny asked Sunset.

"Wow!" Izzy shouted, trotting towards the railing. "Is that the sea?" She asked, completely oblivious to the trap in front of her. "I've never seen the sea."

"Izzy! No!" Sunset shouted, firing up her horn to pull Izzy away by the tail, with Sunny pushing her away from a trap that had sprinted from the ground, with a flashing alarm.

"Ok, Caleb. This isn't working!" He shouted.

"Quick! Get them into the lighthouse!" I cried.

"Ok. I'm on it." Hitch said, bravely.

"I've got to get you two out of here!" Sunny shouted, leading both Sunset and Izzy out of the chaos.

"Sunny, Sunset, Izzy, come on. This way!" Hitch shouted, as he lead Sunny, Sunset, and Izzy out of the chaos.

Hitch turned his head to make sure Sunny, Izzy, and Sunset were following, when their eyes were widen at Sunset.

"What are you doing?" Hitch asked to Sunset Shimmer, who was running on her hind legs.

"Running for my life?" Sunset panted heavily, asking as if it wasn't obvious. "What's it look like?"

"You've got four legs!" Sunny reminded. "Use them!"

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