Long time...

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My name is Sunset Shimmer.

Former pupil of Princess Celestia, demon sorceress-turned-reformed good girl, a guitarist of the Rainbooms, and a street artist dubbed, 'Flanksy'.

It's been many moons; though I still remember it like it was yesterday. When I was... a very different pony.

I was the prized pupil of Princess Celestia herself. I took my schoolwork and my studies with pride... maybe 'too' prideful. I'll admit that I haven't always been the nicest of unicorns. I had my books; I was on my way to becoming a powerful unicorn. Or so I thought I was meant to be.

I didn't have many friends, if any at all. My pride and anger always got in the way. And I still ask myself this one question: What was I so angry about?

It's been so long, I sort of forgot about it. Looking back now, I'd rather keep it that way.

Everything changed the day I met her... Twilight Sparkle, Princess Celestia's new pupil. In many ways, Twilight was better than me. She has friends, she's smart, and she seems to have the answers for every problems that came her way.

It was during a school night when I... when I was overcome by my inner demon. Then, to my surprise, Princess Twilight stepped up... and she saved me.

Ever since then, Twilight and I had become great friends. We both stayed connected via magic journals. Whenever I had a friendship problem, she's always there to provide an answer.

Many years have passed, and I still talk to Twilight from time to time... then one day, she just... stopped.

The last time we spoke, she ascended the throne. She was Supreme Ruler of Equestria, after Princess Celestia and Princess Luna officially retired.

I wasn't the least bit offended... much less hurt. I always tell myself 'She's a busy pony', what else did I expect? I kept saying how normal it is to forget to write back now and then. I figured if I just gave her some space, the time needed to manage a few things, she'll write back when I least expect it.

I've even forgotten the last time I ever wrote a message to some of my other friends. They'd never make a fuss; why would they?

We've recently graduated from college; we all earned our degrees. And then... we've gone our separate ways. It's been a long time since I've seen or heard from them, but I always hoped they were doing okay.

Now here I am, reminiscing over old days, when all we had was each other. None of this would've been possible with my very best friend, Twilight Sparkle, the Princess of Friendship.

... I've made up my mind.

It's taken weeks of careful planning, but now I am fully prepared. By the time this message is received, I've gone back to Equestria for a week-long vacation. Who knows? Perhaps this trip will bring me some much-needed closure. And I won't be coming back until I've found it.

I'm looking forward to seeing my oldest, dearest friend... all over again!

A swirl of colors, was all the eyes can see. The gateway to another world opens, just as it did so many years ago. Memories of the past flash; the feeling of nostalgia brimming to a beating heart. In spite of the age of the old, the feeling of renewal youth is genuine. Friendship is magic, as it always is, and always will be through the ages...

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