Zephyr Heights

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Meanwhile, back at Maretime Bay, in Hitch's office, Deputy Sprout was ranting his mind off, and he's more interested in his pizza. Suddenly, the phone rings. Sprout picks it up.

"Hello?" Sprout asked.

"I told her," Sheriff Hitch ranted. "But I didn't tell her, instead I gave her the right thing. more favours, more bailing her out. She gave me a second chance. A 2nd chance." Turning to Deputy Sprout on the phone, Hitch barked, "All right. I don't need to arrest her and bring her back to face the full force of the law."

Deputy Sprout was about to eat a slice of pizza while on the phone, when he asked, "Question. When you say we, you mean...?"

"You and I."

Deputy Sprout's eyes widened as he looked shocked and worried, dropping his pizza slice.

"Uh, I'd...I'd love to," Sprout stammered, while purposely making a mess to get out of work. "But, um, I just gotta clean up my workspace, get my papers in order and..."

Rolling his eyes, Sheriff Hitch shook his head, "You know what? I think you're right," Hitch said as he turned. "This one's a job for Hitch, and Hitch only," He flicked his head, while his deputy breathed a sigh of relief. "All right. Sprout, you stay here while I'm out dancing with danger," Sheriff Hitch instructed as he took his leave. "Keep everypony calm, maintain the peace, and be a pillar of strength."

However, Sheriff Hitch shuddered at the last part he said. "Who am I kidding? Just try not to start a war while I'm back, OK?"

"I won't." Sprout said.

"And if you do start the war, you're fired." I threatened.

With a call ended, Hitch was out, leaving Sprout to stew in his own envy of his partner.

"Oh, everypony loves Hitch!" Sprout ranted. "What does he have anyway?" He glared at a calendar, with a picture of Hitch posing, which Sprout ripped to reveal another photo of Hitch, in different costumes, one after another. "Sure, he's got a perfect mane, shredded abs, paid-off mortgage. So what? I've got stuff. I can do...um, things."

"Like that." Sprout scowled as he ripped the calendar off the wall, before trotting over to a cabinet, and shoved a drawer. "And that, and that." He kicked a drawer, which caused the upper drawer to reopen, irking Deputy Sprout.

"Where's Hitch?" Phyllis asked, when she trotted in. "Ponies all over town. They're terrified. They want answers."

"He went after Sunny," Deputy Sprout answered. "Another solo Hitch mission."

"Sugar cube," Phyllis consulted her son. "Why the Sprout pout? That's great news."

"It is?"

"Yes," Phyllis picked up a shining sheriff's badge, and placed it on Deputy Sprout's strap. "It means that you are the sheriff, at least for now."

"I am!" Sprout exclaimed in realization. "Hey there. The name's Sprout. Sheriff Sprout. What's the problem, filly? Don't worry, Sheriff Sprout is here," Sprout began, already getting into character. "Pick up that litter! Sheriff Sprout's orders!"

Satisfied, Sprout turned to his mother and nodded.

Meanwhile, Sunset Shimmer was sound asleep to the feel of soft grasses beneath her, when her ears twitched to the sound of a pianos playing.

"Huh?" Sunset moaned, wearily lifting her head up, opening her eyes to find herself in what appeared to be a ballroom. "Where am I?"

Getting up on her hooves, Sunset walked on all four, following the sound of piano playing until she finds a woman, playing the piano.

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