Enter Sunny Starscout/Look Both Ways/Meeting Hitch Trailblazer

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Meanwhile, in the said town dubbed Maretime Bay, waking up from her bed is an earth pony mare, with a tan coat of apricot, and magenta mane and tail. Her cutie mark is one large pink star with a blue trail and two smaller pink stars. She is the main heroine of our story, Sunny Starscout. And today was a new day for her.

Next to her bed, her alarm clocked chimed at 7 AM, to which she turned it off with a slam of her hoof. With a yawn and a stretch, Sunny got out of bed to look at her calendar, then at herself in the mirror, to find herself a mess of mane. With a blow of her hair, she pulled open a drawer, revealing a mess of hairbands, which she used to stylize her mane into a loving braid. With her mane style done, Sunny puts on a saddle bag, with Twilight Sparkle's cutie mark. To further show the earth pony's admiration of the Mane Six, she has three pins with Twilight, Fluttershy, and Rainbow's cutie marks and colors.

Satisfied with her looks, Sunny gave herself a nod, before she went up on an elevator of her house, and finds herself in a workshop. She passed by a board, with pictures of a large office building, until she stopped at a table, where she painted herself a large paper of some sort, and smiled to herself.

"Perfect!" With that, Sunny folded the paper up, puts it in her saddle bag, and went back down to open up the curtains, then walks up to photo of herself, and her dad. "Today's the day dad, I actually have a plan this time. Wish me luck!"

With a burst of enthusiasm, Sunny walks out the door, and the photo was crooked, to which the mare reopened the door to straighten the photo, before she was really on her way. Putting on a pair of roller blades for all four hooves, and a helmet, Sunny was skating through the streets of Maretime Bay, singing to herself a song.

Gonna Be My Day

Good morning sun
No time to chat I gotta run
Cause I've got places to be
So much to do
Excited, yes and nervous, too
A change is starting with me
I never worry 'bout upsetting carts
Hardened hearts
Or wonder will I belong

Her first stop of the day was to collect a cart of smoothies, which she pulled along the road, passing by a suspicious red stallion, who lowered his newspaper and proceeded to chase after her. In appearance, he has a greasy or gelled golden mane, green eyes, white socks, and a cutie mark of a beetroot.

I've heard it enough
I'm calling their bluff
I'll never get lost in the grey
There's something inside
Burns bigger than pride
Shines out of me lighting the way

Gonna be, gonna be, gonna be my day (be my day)
Gonna be, gonna be, gonna be my day (be my day)
Gonna be, gonna be my day, gonna be my day)
Gonna be my day, gonna be my day

Sunny passed a pony, who was just about to eat his cookies, when the red stallion stopped to drink the other pony's smoothie, and all of his cookies, before he resumes chasing Sunny.

Hey there, hello
The friends I make, the friends I know
Today you answer my call (Hello, anypony there?)

Sunny stopped by, and watched downheartedly as a couple of foals beat up a couple of crude piñatas of a pegasus and unicorn.

Inside of hide, instead of staying stuck inside
Instead of building your wall

Come on and party with me,
Join the band, understand
We'll all be singin' this song

Sunny stopped by to give a foal an animal balloon, shaped like a unicorn, much to the horror of their parents. The red stallion, meanwhile, continued his pursuit after Sunny, on a skateboard he stole from a kid.

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