Meet Zipp Storm and a Blast from the Past

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Meanwhile, back in Maretime Bay, the newly appointed sheriff, Sprout, had made himself at home, redecorating the office to his liking. Replacing pictures of Hitch, with those of himself. It also didn't help that the office was more trashy than when Sheriff Hitch was in charge. The floor was littered with pizza boxes and crumbled up papers.

Sheriff Sprout was content with himself, when the doors burst open and his mother, Phyllis, came into the building, with frantic ponies clamoring outside.

"Mom?" Sheriff Sprout exclaimed.

"My, oh, my," Phyllis commented proudly at her son. "Aren't you the handsome sheriff. Look at you."

"Yes," Sheriff Sprout smiled, drawing circles on his desk with his hoof. "Yes, I am, Mommy."

"Well, this is it," Phyllis began, encouraging her son. "It is your time to shine, dear. Everypony wants to hear from you."

"They do?"

"Of course. You are in charge now. It's your destiny," She said hauntingly into her son's ear.

Feeling encouraged, brimming with confident, and the sense of authority going to his head, Sheriff Sprout took his mother's words to heart as he made his way out the front doors.

"Citizens!" He shouted, moments before the doors slammed shut on his face. "Ow!" He screamed, taking a moment to recover, before he came out of the doors and stood in front of the crowd. "It is I, Sheriff Sprout."

"Sheriff?" One of the ponies asked. "Where's Hitch?"

"We need a real sheriff," Another added.

"Tell us what's going on?"

"Hitch would know what to do."

"Come on, now, everypony," Phyllis spoke up, vouching for Sheriff Sprout. "Let's listen to what our new sheriff has to say." Turning to Sprout, Phyllis nudged her son, "That's you, sugar cube."

"Oh, yeah, it's me," Clearing his throat, Sheriff Sprout began to give a speech to the crowd. "OK, folks, calm down. There's no need to be scared.

"We're scared and we want to be prepared!" One of the earth ponies whimpered.

"The unicorns are coming!" Sparkle Chaser from the Canterlogic Annual Show hyperventilated, running blindly, with the strange periscope still strapped to his eyes. "The unicorns are coming!" He screamed, before he crashed.

"What do we do?" The crowd asked. "What's your plan, Sheriff? What if the unicorns come back?"

Pressured, not wanting to appear weak, Sheriff Sprout began, "Actually, what if you're all right?" He asked. "The unicorns could come back. They could even bring the pegasi. We are all in danger!"

The ponies gasped in shock at what Sheriff Sprout said, before he continued to egg them on, "Now is not the time to be complacent. We should do something!" With that, Sheriff Sprout lead the crowd into a musical number.

Angry Mob

Sprout: Something is lurking
Something is here
Something is feeling stranger

Stirring up discord
Whipping up fear
Whispering softly
Danger, danger!

Outsiders creep up slow and steady
Wings glistening
Horns at the ready
Think what they could do to the status quo

Phyllis: Oh no

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⏰ Last updated: May 09 ⏰

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