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“So, are you coming?” Taehyung asked.

He appeared to be waiting for an answer from the other end of the phone call.

Jimin, in the meantime, was watching him patiently, waiting for him to finish his phone call.

After a few moments, Taehyung began to speak again, as if the person on the other end of the phone call had responded to his question.

“Okay I'll pick you up at sharp 8 then?”

Taehyung ended the phone call, and placed his phone on his desk with a smile.

As he looked up to see his soulmate with an open mouth, he tilted his head and inquired, “What?”

“That side of yours is just made for her, no?”, Jimin asked, his back now resting on the coach once again.

“Want me to kiss you?”

“Ew no what the fuck?”


“That smile bruh”

“Oh- I thought you were trying to be sexual with me.”

The businessman replied in a relaxed and nonchalant manner to Jimin's comment, as if it was no big deal.

Jimin appeared to be annoyed with his response, as he shot an annoying glare.

“I'm not the kind of person you think you have on one nightstands,” Jimin rolled his eyes.

“Been a year since I had my last,” Taehyung said calmly, his eyes on his laptop and keyboard, as he typed away the keys.

Jimin gave him a surprised look as he realized that he had just dropped a big piece of information about his romantic life.

“Really?” Jimin asked with a puzzled expression.

Taehyung did not respond for a moment, as he continued to type away on his laptop.

“Yeah...” he eventually replied.

"It's been two years since Jisoo came into your life, no?" Jimin asked, his voice now calculating with every word.

"Yeah... and?" Taehyung replied, showing no change in demeanor or mood.

“You still had one-night stands after she came into your life?” Jimin, followed up with a question.

“I was sexually frustrated all the times that it happened... can't help it.” Taehyung replied plainly, as if it was a natural thing.

"Peculiar but okay?" Jimin replied, getting up from his seat and walking towards the door as he received a phone call.

He said, "I'll see you at the party tonight," before heading out the door.


Elizabeth muttered, "So fucking boring," as she was making another small magical creature with her magic which disappeared as she ordered it to.

The royal princess dropped herself on her luxurious bed and looked up at the ceiling, seeming bored as the royal big clock read 12:00, which is midnight.

“Ugh! What should I do?” Elizabeth muttered, closing her eyes and trying to run her mind to find something interesting to do.

Many thoughts came to mind, but one specific caught her attention, which made her open her eyes with a sudden jerk as she sat up abruptly.

“Mom taught me to make the way to different realms!” Elizabeth muttered, feeling excitement and happiness as she thought about the possibility of exploring other realms.

She talked to her spirit animal, “Should I make the portal, Jane?”

The spirit animal inside her heart, Jane, quickly replied, “Definitely!”

"Which one?" Elizabeth wondered as she put her fingers on her lips, thinking hard about the different realms she could choose to visit.

Jane, her spirit animal spoke after a minute "Oh yes! Liz remember? Queen gave you that book to learn about those things." Elizabeth quickly realized as her eyes widened.

Elizabeth ran towards the secret door, which was not so secretive as everybody in her family already knew about it.

Once inside the library, she scrambled amongst the books until she found the right one.

After spending an hour searching and having books fall on her countless times, she finally found the right book - The Realmgate.

Feeling excited, Elizabeth quickly ran out of the library and headed to her own room.

Once she got there, she sat down on her bed and opened the dusty book.

"Realm of Darkness?" Elizabeth asked as Jane replied simply continuing to deny all of the realms that Elizabeth would suggest.

"Of spirits?"



"We're already living in one."

"Infinite possibilities?"

"Doesn't fit the vibe."

"Realm of Hu... humans?" Elizabeth suggested the last name, which seemed to strike a chord with her spirit animal, Jane.

Jane seemed to feel something when Elizabeth mentioned the Realm of Humans, and she asked for confirmation.

Elizabeth nodded her head in an affirmative manner, whispering, "Yeah"

Elizabeth nodded her head in an affirmative manner, whispering, "Yeah"

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"Let's go there?" Elizabeth asked looking at the picture.

"Sure?" Jane said more like asking.

"Do you want to?"

"It looks interesting"

"Let's go to the realm of humans then, Jane!"

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