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Jennie's P. O. V.

The second night of my stay here. And oh god, I'm gonna die soon if it goes like this. There is no single activity I can do here nor a person to talk to.

Yeah, Taehyung went to his place of work and I'm just staring out from the window with a pout on my lips.

As for Jane, she was unusually quiet too today and it was suffocating me.

"Jane?" I called her out.

And a sigh was all I got in response.

"Come on, talk to me." I said with a whiny voice.

"Well?" She spoke. "Why are you sad?" She asked and now I pouted.

"I'm just bored." I said honestly.

"Well, what's Jane here for, hmn? We have a whole big ass mansion to explore, let's go!" Her voice echoed in my head making my eyes widen in realization.

I looked at my reflection in the mirror, trying to tidy up my messy hair a bit more.

"Ugh, this is the best I can do." I muttered under my breath.

I gave a little twirl, feeling the soft fabric of the shirt Taehyung let me wear last night flutter around me as I did so. Even though the shirt had no sleeves it was long enough to reach my knees.

I was just wearing the shirt and a pair of loose trousers. I looked like a hobo but whatever.

And off we went exploring the mansion.

I guided myself around the huge place, pointing out various rooms and corridors.

The grand hall, dining room, indoor sports room and finally the backyard.

"Wow," I gasped slightly, taking in the beautiful view of the massive garden, a small pond with a gazebo near it and the tall trees in the distance.

The fresh smell of dew-covered grass and blossoming flowers filled the air, and a gentle breeze brushed against my skin, providing a welcome chill.

I approached the gazebo, stepping up the small flight of stairs and taking a seat on one of the benches. The view from up here was even more beautiful and the small waterfall in the pond made it more pleasing.

I let out a content sigh, leaning back and relaxing.

I lost track of time as I sat there, admiring the natural beauty around me. The sounds of chirping birds and the rustling of leaves created a calming symphony that almost lulled me into a trance.

Lost in thought, I almost didn't notice the sound of footsteps approaching.

"Enjoying the view?" A voice interrupted my reverie.

I flinched slightly, startled by the sudden voice. I turned my head to see who it was and my eyes widened when I saw Jimin standing at the entrance of the gazebo, a small smile on his face.

"Ah, you scared me!" I said, placing a hand over my heart, feeling it thump quickly at his unexpected appearance.

"Oops, sorry about that," Jimin chuckled, taking a few steps forward and joining me on the bench. "Didn't mean to surprise you like that."

He looked out at the garden, his eyes taking in the same view I had been admiring just moments ago.

"It's okay," I said with a small smile, my heart rate finally returning to normal. 

For a moment, we sat in silence, the only sound being the gentle breeze rustling through the trees. 
Jimin broke the silence first, his voice soft and casual. "So what brings you here all alone?"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19 ⏰

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