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"She is moving."

The sudden chill in the air caught Taehyung's attention again. He felt a cool breeze, even though the window was closed.

"Why is the room getting cold when the window is closed?," Taehyung wondered aloud.

Noticing the woman's thumb twitching slightly, his gaze followed her body beginning to stir. He watched her as she struggled for breath.

His deep voice rang through the room as he urgently called out, "Doctor!" He bolted upright and shouted for the medical staff.

Before the doctors could reach, she suddenly shouted "Aah!", the sound echoing through the room and jarring Taehyung's senses. He froze in his tracks, his eyes snapping open.

He stood there, bewildered, he felt a series of images rushing through his mind, each one more vivid than the last. He couldn't understand why this sudden noise had triggered such a strong reaction inside him.

Well, you know they say, the universe has a way of bringing people together when the time is right. Two souls destined for each other will find their way into each other's lives, even if their universes are different.

Elizabeth's P. O. V.

My eyes slowly fluttered open, the world around me hazy and unfocused. As my surroundings began to come into clearer view, I tried to focus on what I was around.

I took in the room, noting its sterile white and gray hues, before my gaze settled on a figure standing near the foot of the bed.

My body tensed, muscles taut with fear, and a trickle of sweat ran down my temple. My fists clenched involuntarily, crumpling the thin sheets on me between my fingers.

The room was dimly lit, leaving its corners shrouded in darkness. Trying to focus, I made out a distinct silhouette of a man standing at the end of the bed. Fear and uncertainty filled my eyes as I realised that I was not alone.

My heart rate quickened, my hand palms getting sweaty. Who is he? How did I get here? Where am I?

With a shaky breath, I slowly pushed myself upright, sitting on the edge of the bed. My body trembled as I tried to steady myself, fear coursing through me.

Sweat dripped down my forehead, making me feel clammy and uncomfortable. I nervously fidgeted with the edge of the bedsheet, my hands shaking slightly.

P. O. V. Ends

Taehyung carefully observed as Jennie tried to sit up, her weakened body frame barely managing to move the blankets.

He cautiously approached, delicately resting his hands on her shoulders, hoping to provide some support.

As he drew nearer, he noticed her small flinch, her body instinctively pulling back as if anticipating some form of attack. Fear and concern etched themselves onto his face as he registered her reaction.

Taehyung paused, his hands hovering in the air, centimeters away from her trembling form. He could see the fear etched on her face, her eyes darting wildly around the room, searching for an escape.

He took a step back, sensing her discomfort, and spoke gently, "I'm not going to hurt you," his deep voice, soft and soothing.

Unconsciously, her body relaxed slightly upon hearing his words, her labored breathing slowing down just a little.

Her eyes flicked up to his face, taking in the sight of him more closely. There was something familiar about him, but then again her memory of recent events was hazy at best.

Taehyung felt her gaze studying him, her eyes roaming over his face, trying to place where she'd seen him before.

An uneasy silence settled over the room, filling the space between them. Jennie's gaze remained fixed on Taehyung, her eyes studying his every feature.

Her heart pounded against her chest as she observed him, taking in his tall stature and the way the artificial lighting bathed his face in a warm glow.

There was an inexplicable pull she felt towards him, a magnetic aura that she couldn't quite explain.

She fought against the urge to ask who he was, her fear and confusion mingling together in a tangle of emotions.

Jennie's voice sounded raspy and weak as she finally spoke, her words barely audible. "Where am I?"

Taehyung's response was immediate, his deep voice carrying through the room. "In a hospital."

He watched as her eyes widened at his answer, confusion etched across her face. "Hospital?" she repeated, her tone soft. "What's that?"

Taehyung's eyebrows furrowed at her question, surprise clear on his face. "You...you don't know what a hospital is?"

"No I don't."

Taehyung moved closer, trying to gain a better view of her face.

His voice was gentle and patient as he spoke. "A place where people go to receive medical care when they are ill or hurt. The doctors and nurses here work together to help them recover."

Confusion and fear clouded Jennie's mind, her eyes widening with bewilderment, as she asked the question, her voice quivering not going unnoticed by Taehyung. "What star is this?"

Taehyung was thrown into further shock as he exclaimed, his mind struggling to comprehend her question.

What did she mean by star? Was she from another planet? Another galaxy?

"This... this is Earth," Taehyung declared, speaking with a deliberate tone.

Jennie's eyes widened even further. Questions bombarded her mind, one after another.

What in the universe had happened before she lost consciousness? Why can't she remember anything?

Jennie winced, her forehead creasing in concentration as she tried to recall the events that had led her here. But the harder she thought, the hazier the memories became. She pressed her palms against her temples, attempting to massage away the growing ache.

"Earth..." she echoed, her voice barely audible.

The name felt familiar yet foreign at the same time. It felt like she was finally home, but not at home.

It had the warmth of a comforting abode, yet there was an underlying coldness that left her feeling out of place.

She had heard it before but couldn't quite place where.

And their fairytale had finally began with the echoes of struggle in the water, as if their souls awakened from a forgotten dream. As if the universe had whispered a silent secret and aligned the distant stars at last, guiding them towards their destiny.

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