Chapter 5 : Time for Game Night.

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I looked at the 3 boys in front of me, unable to chose 1 of them. I didn't want to seem rude or anything.

Before I could even finish my sentence of who I was going to take, I felt someone drag my arm, which clearly caught me off guard as I stumbled to the ground.

I looked up at the person who had just tried to drag me with a look of utter disgust.

I was hella annoyed and everyone was just laughing.

The stupid guy wasn't even considerate, he just stood over me, laughing.

Between laughs he managed to say "give me your hand Hart, I'll help you up."

I looked at him, considering my options before grabbing his hand.

Before he could pull me up, I pulled him first and he fell down next to me.

He returned the look of disgust I had on my face and I fake smiled at him. "Not so funny now is it?" I laughed at him.

I looked at him beside me, as he shouted "Someone help me up right now!"

"Or what? Your father will hear about this Malfoy?" Mattheo says laughing, helping me up.

"Thanks Mattheo!" I smiled at him, slightly blushing.

"Your welcome, now let's go!" Mattheo smiles back, grabbing my arm as Draco got up from the ground scoffing.

"Ok" I say following him, blushing even more but I hid it as well as I could.

We walked though The Great Hall as Pansy smirked at me and Jennifer winked at me.

How silly.

What are they doing that for?

It's not like I liked him, I had just met him like an hour ago.

While we walked out of the hall I started to feel bad for Lorenzo so I shouted "Sorry Lorenzo!" and he smiled at me understandingly.

I saw Draco glaring at Mattheo and I and rolled my eyes. What's his problem?

I turned back around.

We were walking for quite a while in silence before we got to this random small corridor.

Mattheo walked onto what looked like a step on a staircase, but there was only one, this school may be beautiful but it's certainly very strange.

I copied him and he muttered something which I could only make out to be "Sherbet Lemon".

The ground started shaking and I felt us moving.

A staircase was forming and we were going up.

It was so cool.

It started spiralling and lead to a big grand door.

"Here we are Inella!" He smiled at me with that cute smile of his.
"Should I come in with you or should I wait out here for you?"

"Umm.. I guess you should come in with me" I said unsure of what to do.

"Ok" he said, still smiling. He went to knock on the door but it swung open before he could get to it.

I looked at Dumbledore's office in awe.

It was amazing, like the rest of the school it was very thoughtfully planned out and had such great architecture.

"Ah, Ms Hart," I heard a voice, unsure of where exactly it was coming from.

"Come in" the voice said and so I did. Mattheo next to me.

The Slytherins boys I couldn't resistWhere stories live. Discover now