Chapter 10 : "Heading back so soon?"

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I wake up the next morning after a night of dreamless sleep.

A much needed sleep might I add.

Yesterday was so overwhelming.

Everything was all so embarrassing.

They probably think I'm a freak.

Ugh, why do I have to be such a loser?


Anyways I jumped out of bed to find that it was only 5:30am and that none of the girls were awake yet.

Which seems right though. Who in their right mind wakes up this early? Me! Ofc!

But then again I did say who in their 'right mind', which I am not. So fair enough.

I started to walk to the bathroom when something hit me square in the back of my head.

I looked down to see that it was a pillow.

I turned around to see that Pansy had kicked her pillow at me.

I laughed, smiling at her, she looked so peaceful...

I picked the pillow up off the floor and chucked it at her head before running into the bathroom.

I quickly brushed my teeth and then returned to the main dorm.

I took some clothes out of my suitcase and headed back into the bathroom.

It had been almost 24 hours since I had last showered. I smelt alright but considering last night's events, my body needed to relax a bit.

I put my clothes on the counter and stripped down before heading into the bathtub.

As soon as I turned the shower on, the warm water hit my skin immediately and it felt so soothing. I instantly felt my muscles relax.

This bath was much needed.

I slowly shampooed my hair and then conditioned it making sure to really massage both in properly.


I washed my body with vanilla and raspberry soap. It's scent filled the room. It smelt so sweet and lovely. I'm a sucker for vanilla and raspberry scented things.


I quickly rinsed off and stayed in the shower a little longer before getting out and drying myself with the towel that I had put on the counter along with my clothes earlier.


I wrapped my towel around my hair and then I moisturised myself before hopping into my clothes.

This was one of my favourite outfits because it was so comfy and my mum bought me most of it for my last birthday :

This was one of my favourite outfits because it was so comfy and my mum bought me most of it for my last birthday :

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( what Inella's outfit looks like ☝️ incase you're wondering, from Pinterest ofc )


I spent a good 10 minutes trying to find my hairdryer before realising that I had to leave it at home because it wouldn't work here anyways. Fuck. Oh well I'll just have to keep my hair wet for now.


I walked back into the main dorm to see the girls were still asleep.

I check the clock to find that it has just turned to 6:13am. It's still so early.


I figured that it would probably be quite a while till the girls wake up so I decided to put my shoes on ( the shoes from the picture above ☝️ ) and head down to the common room.

I walked out of the dorm room door making sure to shut it quietly before walking slowly to the common room.


I walked into the common room to find it completely empty, great! I sat down on one of the sofas and watched the fire in the fireplace as I started to play around with my hoodie strings unsure of what to do.


I eventually got agitated at myself for just sitting there and doing nothing so I started to walk laps around the common room until my legs got tired and I fell back onto the sofa.


Ugh when were these people gonna wake up? It was already 7:00am now.


I couldn't possibly feel more bored than I was now so I figured I would try to learn about some more spells.

I got up and started walking towards the girls dorms again so I could get my charms books when I heard a voice say "Heading back so soon?"

I quickly turned around to find....


A/n : this was chapter 10.

I hope you liked it although it didn't really have anything very exciting and was quite boring until the very end.

I love leaving the chapters on a cliffhanger like ajdbooks - 'Doors open' and SwallowSallow 'Me and the Devil : Mattheo Riddle' ( two of my favourite books at the moment ) - but I hate it when they do it!
By the way : Their books are beyond amazing so make sure to check them out!

Question of the day : Who do you think Inella is about to come into contact with?

Hope you have/ have had a good day!

- Maiya <3

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