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Kenny: Yo, Levi. You grown any yet? Oh? It doesn't look like you changed at all! 

Levi screams as he draws his blades 

Levi: KENNY! 

Kenny uses his ODM Gear to launch off into the air and aims his gun at Levi, before getting his shot deflected by Levi’s sword. Kenny hits away the sword and takes a shot at Levi, but misses as Levi uses his cloak as cover

Levi: “Shit.”

Levi looks around at the dead Scouts, before running down the roof and taking off as Kenny and his squad follow. Elsewhere Keiji hears rounds go off

Keiji: Gunshots? 

He looks around to see Kenny’s squad approaching them 

Eren: What’s going on?! 

Keiji: Just stay down! 

Keiji tries to pick up more speed with the wagon until hooks are shot into the carriage, tearing off the top and exposing Eren and Historia. Eren picks up a rifle to return fire, but he and Historia are shot by tranquilizers, before Keiji is shot and killed. Levi arrives and watches one of the members take the wagon and begins to chase after them, until turning a corner and being intercepted by three members of Kenny’s squad causing him to shoot his hooks into the ground and take off through the streets 

Levi: “Shit! They predicted every move!”

Levi continues to glade through the streets as Kenny’s squad continue shooting at him 

Levi: “Kenny, out of all people why the hell would you work with the MP’s?! “

Levi continues to run from Kenny and his squad and gets a small gash on his face, before crashing into a bar to hide shocking all patrons 

Man: It’s Levi! From the Scouts!

Bartender: M-Make yourself at home! 

Kenny lands in front of the bar 

Kenny: “Ready or not!” 

Levi: “Shit, if this keeps up I’ll lose my team. Eren and Historia. Tsk.”

Kenny:  Damn shame the only thing I smell is a rat at this fine establishment! Come on out little rodent! Found ya! The law has come to exterminate the vermin! Bang! Bang! 

Kenny enters the bar and looks around 

Kenny: Oh come on! You ain’t here!? 

Levi hides behind the bar 

Levi: Right here, Kenny, been a while. I thought you'd be dead by now. With all the MP’s you were putting down. Now you made some friends,huh?

Kenny: Adults do plenty of things a kid like you can’t understand. Oh,right, my bad. You're supposed to be an adult now, but with how short it’s hard to tell. Always hope I get to see you in action, can’t say I’m disappointed either. You still remember every trick I taught you. Didn't I ever tell you what happens to a cornered rat? Cause if you did you’ll know wherever you ran you’ll end up with a bullet in the back of the head. Hey, Levi…

Kenny grabs a chair and throws it towards the bar hitting bottles and shartings glass everywhere while Levi remains unfazed 

Kenny: You must have become a Scout for a reason, and I think I know what that is. We were forced to survive in that little hell hood giving everything we had just to survive. So when we found out how big the world was, it hurt like hell. But you know what saved us… We’d found something that was simple. Everyman has a hobby they can do to fulfill their living. 

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