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Ugh. Not again! Her brilliant plans were ruined by her nemesis, but she wasn't that surprised, that stupid boy! Why did he always have to get in the way? She knew he worked for the other side as a spy, but what she didn't know was that he was assigned to assassinate her. Kill an assassin? One of the highest-ranked highest members of the group. She rapidly paced up and down the hallway, looking for a well-concealed place to hide. Then, settled for hiding behind cardboard boxes that she stacked up like a wall of filthy cardboard to conceal her. Her hand, itching for the gun on her waist, pressed against the trigger yearning to pull. She knew that she wasn't as outstanding as using the gun as the quick and sly knife but it would have to do. She waited in silence, unwilling to move. Until...

"Who's there!" someone demanded. Damn. She'd forgotten to close the door. Oh well.

Those would be his last words.

Finally, her target showed up. She took her glistening knife out. It shimmered in the faint moonlight, sharp and ready. When they turned on the lights in the corner of the room, she revealed herself by jumping out of her hiding spot and throwing her bloodthirsty knife, trained to rip flesh and stab. It killed him without a sound by slitting his throat. Taking out her spray can she kept in her cloak, she left her mark. Then, she drew her signature sign with a deathly note for whoever will inevitably investigate the crime scene.

We will be expecting retaliation Retreat before you pay the price

Making her way out of the building, trying not to attract attention. She had a bad feeling that something unfavorable was going to happen to her. She started running rapidly from the bloody crime scene as she wiped her hands clean and on her way to Adele's underground lair. She ran right into him. Not again. Why was she always running into him? If it weren't for the stupid rules, he'd be long dead.

"What are you doing out here in the middle of the night?" he asked, in a threatening voice.

"I would ask the same," she answered, still thirsty for blood. She took out her gun and pointed it straight at him. It was dark outside, so no one could see what was going on. She closed her eyes and pulled the trigger. The kill was louder than she anticipated. Just then, the faint sound of sirens became louder a little too quick for her liking. They were coming; she had to get out of there. She hastily put away her gun and dashed into the thick brush of the vast woods nearby, bracing herself for a fight. Could it be, her untrustworthy, stupid, idiotic teammates turning their backs on her on this vengeful mission? She swore her life that she would kill them all. After all, they were the ones who wanted her to kill the target alone leaving her vulnerable. She took out both of her knives for good measure. The annoying but also stupid police were hot on her trail now. She had to face them, there was no hope of running away; they were gaining too fast.

"Freeze, hands up!" a police officer shouted, pointing a bright flashlight shining in her face, blinding her.

She cursed them to hell under her breath. Not now! She didn't need this happening now. She threw the knife in her left hand, straining to see. It hit a bull's eye and sank into his chest, While more officers showed up. At least the infuriating light was out of her face now that she killed that cop, but it would turn out to be useless trying to resist. But she would try anyway.

"Freeze, Hands up, or I'll shoot," another officer shouted.

She took her gun and shot. The frightened cop, which must be a new recruit, was too slow to react to her swift movements. It missed his chest but hit his right shoulder. Leaving him to weep on the grass floor as he started to bleed out, if the cops didn't tend to his wounds he would surely perish. The bang from their return shots echoed in her ear. That Idiot! She continued to fire more bullets killing more officers until she was out and dodging their bullets. The police sucked at their jobs; or maybe her years of training were too much for the cops. Then, she used her final knife. Throwing her useless gun at the officers might've worked if they were closer, but she was surrounded by too many cops to count so she dropped it. Spitting curses under her breath, she raised her hands in defeat, for now anyway.

"Let me keep this knife, or I'll kill you in your sleep," she threatens.

"Hands up! You're under arrest. Anything you say or do can and will be used against you in legal court," an officer sneered. "Hands behind your back now."

"What is a high schooler doing out here committing murder!"

To be honest, she didn't know what she was doing out there too.

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