Chapter 7 - Everglade

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Ray's apartment: Lowell, Massachusetts Spring, 2019

My eyes. When I open my eyes, there's bright light shining into it. It makes my eyes hurt. I moan. Where am I?

Oh. Now I remember. The fall, being rescued, Cameron. I'm currently in someone's bed at an apartment. I check my watch only to find out it's gone. Must've fallen off during the fall. I've never dropped ten floors without stopping. It was much more scary than a roller coaster. Not that I'd ever have the time to ride one.

Thinking about things that go up and down makes my brain dizzy. I slump down on the bed again.

About a few minutes later, a boy walks in. The same boy who rescued me. Oh lord. He looks like...


Now I remember Jyle. I wonder if he's looking for me, or even thinking about me. He must be. I saved his life. I mean, if I used my grapple, he would have to survive a thirteenth floor drop. Which I assume, nine times out of ten, most people would die. Not me though. Meaning I did the right thing. I gave Jyle the easy way and took the harder way. Now the consequences are a twisted ankle, cracked rib, twisted arm, some back injury, cuts all over my hands (because I grabbed at broken shards of glass), and almost dying.

The last time I recall a near death, was when Dax died. I don't want to go into details, knowing it'll make me miss him even more.

The boy who looks like Jyle is sitting next to me now.

"You awake now?" he asks.

"Mh. Yeah." I whisper, "Listen, I have some questions. Actually, I have lots of questions."

"Oh I'm sure you do, but right now, you need to rest. I'll tell you about myself first, so you aren't so paranoid around me. My name's Raylen, but everyone calls me Ray. It's a nickname. Anyways, I witnessed your fall. If that's what you call it. I've never seen anyone survive a twelve story fall. That's pretty awesome."

"Actually, it's a thirteenth story fall. And, I stopped at the last three floors or I would've died," I acknowledge. Saying it outloud makes me feel better.

"So tell me, how long do you think these things are going to take to heal?" I question.

"Hmm. Hard to tell. If someone like you could survive a fall like that, it'll probably heal sooner. Not if you keep talking though. Get some rest. Just answer my questions and nothing else. - So... I think you know my brother, but just a recap. He goes to High Spring Middle School, he's fourteen years old, and his name's Jyle. Do you know a Jyle?"

"You're his twin brother. And, it looks like you disappeared from age nine to thirteen, considering that you're his twin, so you should be fourteen right now. You are hesitant to tell me everything because based on what you saw from that building across the street, I had some skills and weapons from where you came from. You were likely kidnapped and escaped a while ago, searching for your brother since your family moved," I choke out, taking in a breath.

"Wow, didn't know you could read and analyze people," he grins, "You got everything correct!"

"Thanks," I muse.

"You better get some sleep. I'll put you on a sedative," his expression changed, it's almost - grave.

"No. No sedatives please," I groan. I hate needles. When I was small, Sage used to experiment on me with Cameron. Since I was extra smart, they wanted to see if they could make an antidote for my unexplained actions. Sage thinks my brain works differently in a sort of good way. She wants to find out why and how. Cameron wanted to be able to inject the same thing into their friends, so he could be invincible.

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