Chapter 29

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As news of Iso and Seeker's official coupling spread throughout the protocol, the entire team rallied to congratulate the newly minted couple. From high-fives and fist bumps to warm hugs and heartfelt words of encouragement, the atmosphere was filled with an air of joy and celebration.

But amidst the sea of well-wishers, it was Iso and Seeker who stood at the center of it all, their hands intertwined and smiles bright with happiness. As they basked in the warmth of their teammates' congratulations, they couldn't help but feel overwhelmed by the outpouring of love and support.

In their future conversations, Iso often took on the role of the protective and doting boyfriend, while Seeker exuded a playful and carefree energy, creating a dynamic reminiscent of an older, more mature partner guiding a younger, more innocent counterpart.

Iso's tone was always gentle and reassuring, his words laced with affection and concern as he offered Seeker guidance and support. "Hey, babe, did you remember to eat lunch today?" he would ask, his voice tinged with genuine concern. "I packed your favorite sandwich for you."

Seeker, with her playful demeanor, would respond with a giggle and a smile, her eyes sparkling with mischief. "Of course, I did, love," she would reply, her tone teasing yet affectionate. "But if you're offering to share, I wouldn't say no to a bite of that sandwich."

Their interactions were filled with moments of tenderness and humor, each conversation a testament to the deep bond they shared. Iso would often find himself indulging Seeker's whims and quirks, whether it was joining her in her favorite pastimes or surprising her with small gestures of affection.

And as they laughed and bantered together, their love shining bright like a beacon in the darkness, Iso and Seeker knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, they would face them together – united by a love that was as sweet and enduring as the bond between them.


This story is a very short and fast-paced story

Note that this is pure Fanfiction and I do NOT own any valorant character and all right and reserve to the owner of riot or/and valorant

Advanced apologize to the incorrect spelling or grammar, I try my best to come up with ideas/story

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