The Bubbler

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"Are you okay, (Name)?"


Nathaniel worried about his seatmate. The girl looked as if she didn't get an ounce of sleep, her eyes were obviously drooping, looking like they were fighting off sleep and losing. She did not look to be in the best state to be attending school.

"Maybe you should go to the nurse."

(Name) looked up at her friend, smiling at him slightly while her head was still laying on her arms. "Maybe. But then I wouldn't get to sit beside you, I don't think I can handle that."

She felt no guilt whatsoever as his face now matched the color of his hair. His hands flying up to cover his face as he turned away from the girl who watched her with a sly grin.

"Stop teasing the guy, (Name). I'm afraid he might burst if you go any longer." Alix popped up from behind them, a similar grin as (Name) on her lips. "But don't stop if I'm in on it."

"You two are horrible."

They laughed at Nathaniel's suffering, but the three knew it was all in good fun.

"But seriously though (Name), you do look like you're about to drop. You sure you're fine?" Alix asked, relieving the redhead of the attention, which he was grateful for. "We could tell Miss Bustier you went to the nurse. It won't be a problem."

(Name) waved them off, sitting properly to talk to them. "I'm fine guys, really. I just... had a little talk with my family. It lasted the whole night that I didn't even notice the time."

Nathaniel perked up at that, his head tilting to the side in curiosity. "They must've really missed you then."

"Aww, that's so sweet!" Alix laughed, jumping a bit to accompany her words.

(Name) felt her eyes twitch as she gave the two a smile. "Yeah, they missed me very much. They're so sweet it's giving me cavities."

The two looked at each other at her weird wording before shrugging it off. They only thought (Name) had a strange way of telling someone she cared about them.

It was war. The reason she wasn't able to sleep was because her dearest cousins debated with her all night about why she should go back home. The only reason she was a little thankful was they did not involve their beloved grandfather in it. She knew he would not hesitate to grab a plane and pack her bags himself. The twins at the very least, wanted to make sure their debate was fair, that way she wouldn't have any hard feelings. It was only after finding a compromise did she end the call, and it was 5 in the morning by then. 'I hate those idiots.'

Alix went back to her seat as Miss Bustier came in, checking the class's attendance.

Everything was a blur to (Name) who has half-asleep. By the time the bell rang, Nathan had to nudge her to snap her out of it. She once again reassured the redhead she was fine before leaving the room, her steps a tad sluggish but she knew she had to get somewhere before afternoon classes.

"Hey (Name)-"

Adrien was left a little disheartened when his friend hurriedly left the room before he could approach her. He tried not to let it get to him, but he was really hoping she would at least greet him on his day.

"What's got you so down in the dumps dude? It's your birthday, lighten up!"

Adrien gave Nino a smile, although a little forced as he walked out with him.

(Name) stopped in front of a closed building. It was a two-story one, its painting more on the dull side, with a faded blue that now turned to something that closely resembled gray. Dust gathered in the windows, cobwebs forming in the corners.

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