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The girl moved her head enough to take a peak at the person who was calling her. Turquoise eyes were the first to greet her. She offered the person a small smile as she sat properly, stretching her stiff limbs.

"Sorry, I dozed off. What did I miss?" (Name) yawned, watching the class buzzing around the room, an activity being prepared. 'Did I forget something?'

Her confusion was washed away once Nathaniel replied. "We're preparing for the shoot. You know, our entry for the Parisian Students' Short Film Festival."

"Wait." (Name) frowned. "That was today?"

Her friend only nodded with worry. "You didn't get enough sleep, did you?"

"Is it that obvious?" Her smile was wry as she waited for a response. 'I guess a few days of little sleep is catching up to me.' She was not made aware that self-reflection was a difficult process.

Nate nodded again. "I can tell Nino you're not feeling well so you can catch some sleep. I don't think Mylene would mind subbing for you." His words were caught in his throat as a hand clutched his, the look in his friend's eyes only made his heart stutter.

"Have I ever told you how you are a godsend to me, Nate?" (Name) squeezed the redhead's hand gratefully, sending him a grin. "I'm gonna take you up on that offer."

"Y-Yeah..." The boy stuttered a reply, looking off to the side as (Name) had yet to let go. He knew he didn't mind though.

Someone else caught on to the interaction, and he wasn't sure what to think of it. Adrien could only wordlessly stare from afar as (Name) conversed with Nathaniel, a smile on her face and her hand on top of his. Something heavy settled in the pit of his stomach the longer he watched. It was only when the redhead stood up and left (Name) did it lighten somewhat.

Ever since Valentine's day, Adrien felt as if his view of (Name) had changed. Especially when he couldn't help but replay Plagg's words about the very possible kiss that they could have shared. The thought of it sent his heart racing even if it turned out to be untrue. But was this how it was going to be? With him only watching from the sideline as (Name) went about her day? With him being away from her after realizing that Plagg's words might actually be true? That he had a crush on his friend?

"You ready dude?"

Nino's question made him turn his head away from the two in the back. He smiled at his friend, giving the boy a thumbs up. "Sure am."

"Oh, you're going to be paired up with Mylene today." Nino's words made Adrien freeze.

"What, why? Isn't (Name) supposed to be my partner?" He couldn't help the frown that settled on his lips. Adrien thought it could finally be his chance to make things right with her.

Nino shrugged, checking on his notepad as everyone else prepared. "Nathaniel said (Name) wasn't feeling well so she's going to sit this one out."

Adrien backtracked, his head turning towards the back of the class to see (Name) resting her head on her arms. "She's sick? Maybe I should take her to the nurse."

"We don't have time dude." Nino shook his head, grabbing his friend by the shoulders to look him in the eye. "We've got little time for this, so we are gonna make every second count. Let Nathaniel take her."


The sudden rising of his voice caught the class' attention. No one had ever heard Adrien raise his voice before, it made them curious as to what caused it.

Marinette in particular was very curious, knowing it was out of character for her idol. She couldn't help but scoot closer to the two friends, wanting to know the details. Who knows, Adrien might be in trouble. Isn't it only natural for her to help him? After all, they were practically married in her mind.

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